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If you're ever calc'latin' to sell 'em, now's your time; the sprangly one's goin' back a'ready. They take the goodness all out o' that part o' your field, anyway," said Ferris, casting a sly glance as he spoke. "I don't know's I care; I can maintain them two trees," answered Packer, with spirit; but he turned and looked away, not at the contractor. "Come, I mean business.

No!" he continued thoughtfully; "I'm keeping my house and ten acres; and me and the old woman's calc'latin' to stop there and watch the march o' progress by our door. She wouldn't give up her front step for all the real-estate sharks in Prince George. But," he added with a chuckle, "I shouldn't wonder if she was shocked some when them trolley-cars I hear tell of goes kitin' by."

"I guess I'll go down to the house," he said aloud, getting up by easy stages. "I see the cow's pulled up her stake, an' 's r'airn round tryin' to get to the calf. Mebby Idy'll need some help." "She was calc'latin' to move 'er at noon," said Eben, shading his eyes, and looking toward the house. "It must be 'long toward 'leven now.

"I wasn't calc'latin' to hire help this summer," continued the milliner; "but you're so handy, and yer ma could give ye idees from time to time. So if ye'd like a job, I d' 'no' but I'd like to hire ye." The heiress of all the Grahams wanted to laugh at this naïve proposal, but good feeling and good manners alike forbade.

Nevertheless, the wit of his inamorata rankled, and after dinner he went with Eben to the barn to "hitch up." "Idy wants to go over to Elsmore this afternoon," said Eben, "an' I promised to go 'long; but I'd ought to stay with the grubbin'. If you was calc'latin' to lay off anyhow, mebbe you wouldn't mind the ride.

Mrs. Meeker had hoped for a longer interview. "Stop as you come back, won't you?" she asked. "I'm goin' to pick you some of the handsomest poppies I ever raised. I got the seed from my sister-in-law's cousin, she that was 'Miry Gregg, and they do beat everything. They wilt so that it ain't no use to pick 'em now, unless you was calc'latin' to come home by the other road.

"Jest got in a line of gardenin' tools, Bogle." "Town's goin' to be het up for certain," said Mr. Bogle, waggling his ancient head. "Calc'late to have all the tools I need." "Who's figgerin' on runnin' for legislature, Marvin?" "Guess Will Pratt's puttin' up Pazzy Cox ag'in." Pratt was postmaster and local party leader. "Anybody calc'latin' to run ag'in' him, Marvin? Any opposition appearin'?"

"Where is Brom Bones?" she demanded of the still drowsy Apgarth as she caught him crossing the yard from the milk house. "The colt? He's up in the back pasture, just around the knob of the mountain. What was you calc'latin' to do with him, Miss?" "I want to use him," said Ruth. "May I?" "Use him? Certainly, if you want to. But, say, Miss, that colt ain't been driv' since the Spring's work.

Thar's a handful of russets in the orchard yit, that's calc'latin' ter spend Christmas up close ter heaven; but Say, Blossy," he added more loudly, since she did not raise her head, "yew seen anythin' o' that air picker?" Blossy glanced up from her ragged-edged crackly billet-doux with a start, and dropped the envelop to the floor.

"He knows I wouldn't sell this road without gittin' money for it. Therefore he's figgerin' on makin' a lot of money out of it, or payin' off a doggone big grudge.... Somebody we don't know about is calc'latin' on movin' into this valley, Johnnie. Somebody that's goin' to do a heap of shippin' and that means timber cuttin'.... And it must be settled or Castle wouldn't come out and offer to buy."