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These cakes of silver, being very porous, were nearly of the some weight with so much marmalade, and were evidently contrived for the purpose of defrauding the king of Spain of his fifths, which he exacts from all silver procured in the mines of Peru.

"You who live in the other towns who were invited, do not go home yet for we are going to take Aponibolinayen to Adasin," said Aponibalagen. Soon it became morning and they all went to Adasin and Gimbagonan carried two big baskets of cakes, and while they were walking she ate all the time and she ate half of them.

Now you'll take breakfast with us, won't you, colonel? The bacon an' the corn cakes are ready, too." "Of course we will," said the colonel, "and gladly, too. It makes me young again to eat this way in the fresh air of a cool morning." Samuel Jarvis shone as a host. The breakfast was served on a smooth stump put on board for that purpose.

"I say, Harry," said Bert to his country cousin one day, when the Bluebird had come to anchor some distance down the lake, "let's try to get to the bottom of this mystery." "What mystery?" "Why, the one about the noise, and the sandwiches and cakes being taken, and Snap acting so funny. I'm sure there's a mystery on this boat, and we ought to find out what it is." "I'm with you!" exclaimed Harry.

"I fully comprehend that it is out of compassion to your slave that you comply with my request." "Well," said Yussuf, "to oblige you;" and taking up the bowl of sherbet, which contained some pints, to the amazement of the confectioner at one long draught he swallowed it all down. The kabob now made its appearance, wrapped up in thin cakes of fine wheaten flower.

He returned with a large bag of the choicest and most tempting of cakes and tartlets, and found Julia in the act of spreading a small tea-table in the lobby. "The rooms are all in such a state," she cried, "that I thought we should be more cosy and comfortable in our own lobby, and under our own vine and statuary." "Ever so much better," cried Gideon delightedly.

A child buying a cake will often go double or quits with the stall-keeper, to see if he is to have two cakes or nothing, the question being settled by a throw of dice in a bowl. Of the interval allowed for meals, a gang of coolies will devote a portion to a game of cards.

They provide the latter with plate and napkin, ask their choice of beverage, and serve it, together with sandwiches and cakes. Or the plates and napkins may be handed the guests as they enter by a waitress stationed at the door, before they are served by the young girls. A salad should never be offered at a formal afternoon tea! To do so is to commit a social solecism.

The other method is, to rub a perfectly smooth iron surface with just enough of some oily substance to prevent the meat from adhering, and cook it with a quick heat, as cakes are baked on a griddle. In both these cases there must be the most rapid application of heat that can be made without burning, and by the adroitness shown in working out this problem the skill of the cook is tested.

Brown would let Susie use some of the dough or pie crust already made up, or she would stand beside her little girl and tell her what to do. To-day Mrs. Brown did a little of both. She, herself, baked several pies, as well as two cakes, and as there was plenty of pie crust left Mrs. Brown told Sue how to roll some out in a smooth, thin sheet, and lay it over a tin.