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"Sure, sorr, there's nobody there," said Tim Rooney, who was on the main-deck below, just under the break of the poop. "There's divil a sowl botherin' the blissid pigs, sorr, as ye can say for y'rsilf. Faix, they're ownly contrary a bit, sorr, an' p'raps onaisy in their moind!" "Nonsense, man!" cried Captain Gillespie stamping his foot.

"'Oh, it doesn't matter, she said quick and shaky; 'it was silly of me. I only thought Well, she was tremblin' with cold or somethin', and kind of near cryin', too one of them women that wears themselves out by botherin' to be good, and if they are good, botherin' about what ought to be done next. In short, as the saying is, I forgot my part.

But before he left he managed to speak with Mrs. Hoover alone and suggested a change in the costume of the pupil when she came to school. "The better she is dressed," suggested the wily young diplomat, "the less likely is she to awaken any suspicion of her race." "Now that's jest what's botherin' me, Mr. Brooks," returned Mrs.

"Oh! now, what's the use botherin'? Chances are three to one they ain't agoin' to be any sech upsets as that yet awhile," the cowboy said. "Only three to one!" burst out Peg.

He drew off a glove and pushed his hat back, using a pocket handkerchief to brush the dust from his face and running the fingers of the hand through his hair thereby producing another ballooning dust cloud which splayed heavily downward. "What's botherin' me is that shootin'," he went on, still speaking to the black horse. "We sure enough heard it didn't we?"

Aunt Martha looked at him over the rims of her spectacles, wonderment in her gaze perhaps a little belligerence. "Jep Coakley," she said severely, "you're always runnin' down the women! What on earth do you live with one for? What are the women doin' now, that you are botherin' so much about?" He gravely took her by the arm and pointed out of a window, from which Ruth and Randerson could be seen.

He goes along jus' as easy, 'n then some day he jus' natchelly goes rarin'. When Ah've tol' him how Pink comes botherin' me, he jus' says, 'Pore feller, he didn' get ye. Ah'm sorry fo' him. But 'f Ah tell him this he might shoot him, 'n Ah couldn' bear that!"

"Aw iss, he've a seen her an' she be quieter: leastways, he be bound to do her a power o' good. But what be goin' back for? 'Tain't no use botherin' indoors wi' your mother in thicky wisht state. Run about an' get some play." "What were you doing down by the Rock just now, Joe?" Joe hesitated for a while; stammered, and then said, "Nuthin."

That part is right an' proper there wouldn't be any sense of anyone writin' a book unless they could put into it what they thought was right. But what's been botherin' me is this; how can you tell whether the things you've made them say is what they would have said if they'd had any chance to talk? An' how can you tell what their feelin's would be when you set them doin' somethin'?" She laughed.

Mike had gone pacing to camp, swinging his arms and talking to himself also, though his talk was less humanly kind under the monotonous grumble. Mike was gobbling under his breath, something about law-suing anybody that come botherin' him an' tryin' t' arrest him for nothin'. But Murphy continued to harp upon the subject of domestic preparedness.