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"I call the attention of the citizens of Los Angeles to the fact that within the past ten days there has been less crime in the city than in years," Gibson's statement read. "There has been but one holdup, no burglaries, no violence, no banditry and no open gambling, bootlegging, thievery or trafficking in narcotics.

In his own American language JOHN WEAVER pictures the feelings of an old-time saloon habitué when his former friend the barkeep, now rich from bootlegging, with a home "on the Drive" and all that, declares his socially-climbing daughter quite too good for this particular "Old Soak's" son. Weaver's retrospect of "Bill's Place" will bring damp eyes to the unregenerate: "So neat!

"What is it?" she called back gaily. "I just said hiyer?" "Fine! Hiyer, yourself?" she laughed pleasantly, although stopping the engine entailed getting out and cranking, since her car boasted no self-starter. All of the old men bowed familiarly to the girl and indulged in some form of pleasantry. "Bootlegging now, or what are you up to?" asked Major Fitch.

But it was likely that the bootlegging operations had no connection whatever with the missing money and that the evidence Wade wanted was merely an additional net with which to close in on this man who had usurped control of the Interprovincial Loan & Savings Company misuse of trust funds or something like that. "Listen to me, Cork.

Where these restaurants profited I could never see ... unless by a little bootlegging on the side. It was to one of them that I repaired when I left my malodorous job. The same one where I had spent my first night in town. Langworth sent for me one day. "I have heard wild tales about you, Johnnie.

"Neither is the trade of bootlegging a decent one, or one that provides decent amusement. I have already warned you that gambling and liquor selling are things of the past in this camp." There was another stir in the room. The leader of the gamblers rose, fixing his gaze on Tom's eyes and trying to stare the young engineer out of countenance. "What do you mean, Reade?" he demanded.

To realize how thoroughly this policy is recognized as a simple fact, one can hardly do better than quote these perfectly naive and sincere remarks in an editorial entitled "Government Bootlegging," in the New York Tribune, a paper that has never been unfriendly to the Eighteenth Amendment: That American ships had wine lists was no news to the astute Wayne B. Wheeler, generalissimo of the Prohibition forces.

Wade what Kendrick had suggested to him at Sparrow Lake that the two of them work together on this bootlegging case, and the railroad president had then mentioned Phil's letter and his whereabouts and told McCorquodale to make for Thorlakson Siding and pass on instructions. Weiler bought a ticket for North Bay. There he had hung around for a day, apparently waiting for somebody.

It was then that McCorquodale had learned of an expedition that was being planned by the bootlegging gang the railroad was anxious to locate, and got concrete evidence that Weiler was the Eastern agent of the whisky runners. The leader was a notorious character named Red McIvor and this man had arranged to meet Weiler at a rendezvous near Indian Creek.

A law the violation of which in the class of instances in which the Government does seriously undertake to enforce it bootlegging, smuggling and moonshining is condoned, aided and abetted by hundreds of thousands of our best citizens? It is, as I have said in an early chapter, a choice of evils; and it is not easy to decide between them.