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"I'd rather starve in New York than feast in the high hills," said he wistfully. The idols to whom Tinkletown was paying homage were but human, after all. For two months the Boothby Company had been buffeted from pillar to post, struggling hard to keep its head above water, always expecting the crash.

Sanderson and the history of his thoughts in his own hand-writing, wherein I sent it to Westwood, as I received it from Boothby Pannel.

I had rather have heard Walters play upon his hump for nothing. I dined to-day at James's with Boothby, Harry St. John, March, and Panton. Rigby gave a dinner to-day to the Duke and Duchess of Grafton. Anne, only daughter of General Conway. She ultimately became possessed of Strawberry Hill. She devoted herself to sculpture; the heads that ornament the bridge at Henley-on-Thames are her work.

"Dammy, sir, let me tell my own story my own way. I say, one night at Carlton house, playing at blind hookey with York, Wales, Tom Raikes, Prince Boothby, and Dutch Sam the boxer, Alvanley ate three suppers, and won three and twenty hundred pounds in ponies. Never saw a fellow with such an appetite, except Wales in his GOOD time.

Then Boothby took me into his "study," the entire literary apparatus of which consisted of three phonographs; and he explained that, when he had dictated a certain amount of a novel into one of them, he handed it over to his secretary in another room, who set it going and transcribed what he had spoken into the machine; he, meanwhile, proceeding to fill up another record.

The selection of these pictures must, of course, depend on the library, but there are a few other suggestions which are worthy of mention: Regnault, Automedon and the horse of Achilles. Raphael's Madonna of the chair. Reynolds, Penelope Boothby. Question 11. In preparing your lists of books to accompany bulletin, do you prepare an analytical list or refer to book only?

To this living which was of no less value, but a purer air than Wibberton he was presented by Thomas Harrington, of the same County, and Parish, Esq., who was a gentleman of a very ancient family, and of great use and esteem in his country during his whole life. And in this Boothby Pannell the meek and charitable Dr.

And about this time of his resignation he was presented to the Rectory of Boothby Pannell, in the same County of Lincoln; a town which has been made famous, and must continue to be famous, because Dr. Sanderson, the humble and learned Dr. Sanderson, was more than forty years Parson of Boothby Pannell, and from thence dated all or most of his matchless writings.

'Aw 'm sayin', he remarked to Merton, 'you're no Lairdie Bower. 'Hear till the man! Aw 'm Tammy Hamilton, o' Moss End in Lanerick. Aw 'm ganging to see ma Jean. 'For day or night Ma fancy's flight Is ever wi' ma Jean Ma bonny, bonny, flat-footed Jean, sang Merton, gliding from the strains of Robert Burns into those of Mr. Boothby.

Mr. Boothby sat, bowing his head, as the Marquis told his story. The story was rather confused, and for awhile Mr. Boothby could only understand that a dissenting chapel had been built upon his client's land. "We shall have to set it right by some scrap of a conveyance," said the lawyer. "But the Vicar of the parish claims it," said the Marquis. "Claims the chapel, my lord!"