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"You and Sep Duncan got that up between you, and he did it to make you laugh." "I didn't say you kicked me on the ear on purpose," I grumbled. "Oh, I say, Bob, your boot-toe is hard." "Wish it had been ten times harder," he snarled. "Oh, never mind," said Bigley, "I'm getting tired of holding the rope. Why don't you climb up? Make haste!" "I'm going home," grumbled Bob.

And the Kid, like the last affliction which the Lord sent unto Job I've forgotten whether that was boils or the butchery of his offspring came loping down the length of the porch and kicked the Old Man's bunion with a stubby boot-toe. Thus was born the psychological moment when the treachery of the Happy Family would cut deepest.

He gave the carcass a poke with his boot-toe and glanced up the hill toward the rocks. "Maybe you were playing lookout for the bunch," he said, "and then again, maybe you ain't hooked up with a family; though from the looks, you ain't weaned your pups yet till just now." Leaving the wolf where she lay, he climbed to the rocks where he had first seen her.

Count Victor, who had been warming his chilled fingers at the fire, moved to the curtain and drew it back, the better again to see that doleful cinerary urn. His host rose hurriedly from his chair. "Trash! trash! Only trash, and dear bought at that," said he, seeing his guest's boot-toe push the papers in with a dainty man's fastidiousness.

He thought her exquisite, and, rather than be long without a glimpse of her, he contented himself with fixing his eyes on the hem of her dress and the boot-toe that occasionally peeped from beneath it. As was to be expected in such a circle, conversation soon turned to the subject of literary struggles.

"Or did somebody mention the name of grub?" "Set up!" grinned the tall man, kicking a small box up beside a slightly larger one, which served as a table. "Nothing much to eat but food. Canned truck all gone." The smaller host poured coffee. Pete considered the boxes. "You didn't pack these over here?" he asked, prodding the table with his boot-toe to elucidate his meaning.

Good Indian was tapping his boot-toe thoughtfully upon the bottom step, and glancing up now and then as a precaution against being overheard. "I guess so," she admitted, answering the last question first. "I haven't had a real good chance to talk to Thomas all day. Baumberger has been with him most of the time. But I guess he is; anyway, Baumberger seems to take it for granted he's got the case.

Indeed, sir, that is a strong, deep heart. You may never know it; but should you, you will remember that I told you there was but one Alice. In all her feelings she is intense; her love is a flame her hate a thorn; the fragrance of the one is an incense the piercing of the other is deep and agonizing. Shan't we go in, sir; I see the damp of the dew is on your boot-toe, and you have been ill.

He was aware nevertheless of a certain itching in his boot-toe when his fellow-visitor brought out, and for the most part to Miriam herself, in answer to any charge of tergiversation, "Oh it's all right; it's the voice, you know the enchanting voice!"

His heart yearned for the clap of Pittsburg's sooty hand on his shoulder; for Chicago's menacing but social yawp in his ear; for the pale and eleemosynary stare through the Bostonian eyeglass even for the precipitate but unmalicious boot-toe of Louisville or St. Louis. On Broadway Raggles, successful suitor of many cities, stood, bashful, like any country swain.