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After that, it irritated them, and, greatly to his own satisfaction, they left him to his own devices. Dr. Silence was a free-lance, though, among doctors, having neither consulting-room, bookkeeper, nor professional manner.

Boyd was more inclined to see things Belle's way, and at length a compromise was reached by which Belle became her father's bookkeeper and secretary, and for a time all went well. Then a new factor entered the case, one for which the reformer has not yet found a good answer.

They worked at frames covered with wire netting which allowed the dirt to sift through, and as they handled the material and tossed it into the proper piles they picked out straws, burrs, and other waste caught in it. "This sorting must be carefully done," explained the bookkeeper who was showing them about, "or the wool will not take the dye well.

While there seemed little inducement for him to stay in Milford, he was determined to seek the bookkeeper, and ascertain whether, as he suspected, his confederate had in his possession the bonds which he had been scheming for. If so, he would compel him by threats to disgorge the larger portion, and then leave town at once. But the problem was, how to see him.

His anger which had found vent upon his old bookkeeper he knew was due another man, a man with whom at any cost he could never allow himself to be angry. The next two hours were bad hours for Grant Maitland. As the quitting whistle blew a tap came again to the office door. It was Wickes, with a paper in his hand. Without a word he laid the paper upon his chief's desk and turned away.

Say we make it three dollars, and on rainy mornings coffee and rolls so you doan' get your feet wet." "But I " "We're blain beoble, miss, but we got a respegtable standing in the neighborhood for fifteen years. My husband's daughter by his first marriage is sixteen years bookkeeper down by Aaron Schmoll Paper Box Company in Green Street.

On another occasion the bookkeeper of the ranch walked off to a water hole but a quarter of a mile distant, and came face to face with a peccary on a cattle trail, where the brush was thick. Instead of getting out of his way the creature charged him instantly, drove him up a small mesquite tree, and kept him there for nearly two hours, looking up at him and champing its tusks.

Hoch placid and content, Gretchen weeping over her hard fate. Enter old Huss's head bookkeeper. Huss says fiercely, "I gave you three weeks to find out why your books don't balance, and to prove that you are not a defaulter; the time is up find me the missing property or you go to prison as a thief." "Where?" Gretchen: "Saved!"

He took a list from his pocket and read: "James Hogg, bookkeeper races, of course. James Fowler, saloon-keeper. James Despard, called 'Frenchy, a clever crook who lived on blackmail said to have a gift for getting hold of secrets of men and women in high society and squeezing them good and plenty " He paused. "Of course, that might be the man. There are points.

He must have had money, or else he got remittances from home, for he paid his way and helped many a poor devil. They said that he gave away most of his money. Sometimes he worked for a while himself as bookkeeper at a shearing-shed, wool-sorter, shearer, even rouseabout; he'd work at anything a bushman could get to do.