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"It proves that she has two shirt-waists," said Billy, seriously, "that is what it proves. Two shirt-waists, a white one and a pink one, one for dinner and one for breakfast. I don't blame you for not noticing it, but I am strong that way. I notice colors and trimmings and all that sort of thing. And I tell you she has two. I saw them both and I know it.

Thinking of her now so near him his darling! all her graces, her sweetness, her truth; for, despite his bitter blame of her, he knew her true swam in a thousand visions before his eyes; visions pathetic, and full of glory, that now wrung his heart, and now elated it. As well might a ship attempt to calm the sea, as this young man the violent emotion that began to rage in his breast.

"Child, child," said the Queen, really moved, "Heaven knows that I would gladly practise clemency if my people would suffer it, but they fear for my life, and still more for themselves, were I removed, nor can I blame them." "Your Majesty, I know that. But my mother would be dead to the world, leaving her rights solemnly made over to her son.

"Did that sergeant of police know this?" broke in Roy. "I thought he examined everything. He certainly said we were all right." "Yes, he knew it," answered Paul, "but he isn't to blame. Don't think I'm making that an excuse." Colonel Howell sat with downcast eyes and an expression of pain on his face. "Why did you do it?" he asked in a low tone at last. "Did you mean to hide it from me?"

America and Mexico are neighbours, and ought to be friends; and while I do not, cannot blame my own country for pursuing the war with vigour, nothing would please me more than to hear peace proclaimed." "That is just like Harry Mulford," said Rose, thoughtfully, as soon as her companion ceased to speak. "I do wish, Senor, that there could be no use for this powder, that is now buried in the sea."

I found it in his room, where he had accidentally left it, and was looking at it when he came in. It was the picture of a young girl, who must have been very beautiful, and I did not blame Will for loving her, if he ever did, but he need not have been so indignant at me for wishing to know who it was. I never saw him so angry or so much disturbed.

Oh! if I could blame Irene I would console myself by flying in a fit of legitimate anger! but this resource fails me I can blame no one but myself. Irene knows not how dear she is to me, I only half told her of my love, I flattered myself that I had a long future in which to prove my devotion by deeds instead of words. Had she known how deeply I loved her, she never could have deserted me.

"I don't understand this sort of thing. I was not meant to understand it." "But Mr. Eager he came when I was out, and acted according to his principles. I don't blame him or any one... but by the time George was well she was ill. He made her think about sin, and she went under thinking about it." It was thus that Mr. Emerson had murdered his wife in the sight of God.

Will that give you some idea of the happiness and the consolation that I owe to this best and dearest of men? "Ah, my old granny, I see you start, and make that favourite mark with your thumb-nail under the word 'consolation'! I hear you say to yourself, 'Is she unhappy in her English home? And is Aunt Gallilee to blame for it? Yes! it is even so.

She was only the more irritated because she could not find any ground upon which to blame him. It would have been very difficult for her to have carried on the conversation after that. Fortunately a diversion occurred, the young person who had last played having gone to the piano again, this time with a young man and a violin.