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The coppice is good coppice, too." "'Twill hardly pay to clear," answered Mr Middlecoat. "But why can't ye lump this lot in with the two next? . . . That's my suggestion. If Mr Baker is agreeable? They all run in one stretch, so to speak; and, in biddin' for the whole, a man would know where he's to." Mr Dewy, speaking in whispers behind his palm, held consultation with Mr Baker.

"At least if it does she's nane the less willin' to be an unconscious aid, and put a flag at the window at the biddin' o' Olivia to keep the witches awa'. The same flag that keeps aff a witch may easily fetch a bogle.

"A body may daur speyk to ye aboot things a body wadna be wullin' to say till a bairn for fear o' frichtin' o' 'im mair nor the bit hert o' 'm cud stan'. Whan a lad can warstle wi' a pair o' bills, an' get the upper han' o' them, an' gar them du his biddin', he wadna need to tak fricht at " There she paused.

"She's not here," said Emily; "I heard her run into her own room." "Poor birdie!" said True, "she doesn't like to hear o' my leavin' her; I'm sad to think how some day soon she'll almost sob her heart away over her old uncle. Never mind now! I was goin' to bid her be a good child to you; but I think she will, without biddin'; and I can say my say to her another time.

But it gets 'em strong. Packed every night! I meets Nelson here only yesterday, and he was tellin' me. Comin' along some himself, Nelson is. He's opened an office and is biddin' for big jobs. "I've just landed my first contract," says he. "Good!" says I. "What's it for?" "A fifty-foot, twenty-thousand-candle-power sign over the theater," says he, "with Ruby's name in it.

Out yonder there are cities where men are doing things an' ships are lyin' at the wharves with stuff that comes from the ends of the earth an' those ships are goin' to go an' come when and where I tell 'em! They're goin' to carry cargoes at my biddin' an' my people are goin' to have what they want.

Kinney?" whispered Draxy. "No, I guess not," he said, "there ain't much biddin' at these sort of sales up here," and he mentally resolved that nothing Draxy wanted should cost too much for her. The sale was to be the next day. Draxy made a careful list of the things she would like to buy. The Elder was to come over and bid them off for her.

Being in all probability a mode of divination for insuring good luck. Another name for the same plant is "cocks," from children fighting the flower-stems one against another. "Curly-doddy, do my biddin', Soop my house, and shoal my widden'." In Ireland, children twist the stalk, and as it slowly untwists in the hand, thus address it: "Curl-doddy on the midden, Turn round an' take my biddin'."

The ear-muff brigade was lettin' themselves out in fine style, tradin' in Ground Hog bonds, Hoboken gas, Moonshine preferred, and a whole lot of other ten-cent shares, as earnest as if they was under cover and biddin' on Standard Oil firsts. While I was lookin' 'em over, wonderin' what to do next, I spots Abey Winowski on the fringe of the push.

I been thinkin' this thing over, an' as master o' this ship an' the one who does the biddin' in o' these two Chinks at th' sale, it's up to me t' try an' bring you both out with a profit, an' I think th' sellin' should be left to me. I won't hide nothin' from you boys.