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She was brought up panting, with her hand at her side before they had circled the bamboos three times and the quarry was plainly as fresh as ever. But: "Escape me never, beloved, While I am I and you are you." was Miss Bibby's attitude now. She called to Anna to help with the chase.

"Would a towel do if I pinned it on, dear?" Max shook his head. "In the lawning-loom lere's a tail on the curtains," he said, "but it's showd on tight." "Well, ask Paul, ask Anna, ask some one else to look for something for you; but you mustn't come to me, darling, this is Miss Bibby's holiday, you don't want to spoil it for her, do you?" Miss Bibby looked at him beseechingly.

The shoes and the far shade of the laurel trees dropped instantly from Miss Bibby's horizon and, the horrors of the situation overwhelming her, she flew after Pauline to the victim. The child's condition was piteous; absolutely mad with terror and pain, she was rushing about on the path, Max, yelling with sympathy, tearing after her.

An exciting chase had followed, but he had won, and in the satisfaction consequent upon victory he might have even been induced to overlook Miss Bibby's behaviour. He thrust his hands as deeply as they would go into his inadequate pockets and met her gaze unblinking. "Why, Maxie," she said, "I can't believe this is the good little boy who was here yesterday.

"I can run licker than you," was Max's reply, and he ducked beneath her arm and dashed across the garden. Miss Bibby's blood rose high and she started to follow him. But how may a lady who for at least twenty years has done nothing but walk sedately ever expect or wildly hope to catch up a pair of brown muscular little legs?

The ever-present dread of Miss Bibby's discovery naturally added a fearful joy to the proceedings "A judge's eldest daughter astride a grocer's horse!" Pauline could readily imagine the lady's tone of horror. It seemed very easy repayment for the happiest moment of the dull day to promise to put this advertisement in evidence.

When you say you're not at home you go and stand out in the garden till the visitors go." "You don't," argued Lynn, "only Mrs. Merrick; but mother says 'No, an' she never does, an' it just means 'engaged, only it's not so rude." "Well," said Hugh desperately, "will you penetrate to the spot in the garden where Miss Bibby's notions of honour may have taken her, Lynn, and say Mr.

"All right," said Muffie, making a line for it, then calling back, just as a little sop to duty, "she said we weren't to, though." "Run up and ask her," said Lynn, a law-abiding little person so long as the iron did not enter her soul or body. Muffie dashed into Miss Bibby's bedroom after the briefest knock, and made her request.

And Miss Bibby's Health Foods that that lady paid for out of her slender purse Anna determined that it was these things that gave the temporary head of the house that curiously delicate clear skin of hers; so being by no means satisfied with her own complexion, she consistently assisted herself to a small quantity of each, without, it need hardly be stated, foregoing any of her hearty meals at the kitchen table with Blake the gardener.

But the assailants were as alarmed and angry at their position now as the attacked and, while some sought safety by running up Lynn's sleeves, thus forcing her also to dance and scream, the remainder swarmed higher and higher up the luckless Muffie. Miss Bibby's presence of mind quite deserted her.