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Betcherlife my ma'd chinge with yours if she could." "Would she? But Angel doesn't get on at all well here. I've heard her telling a lady she lent some money to, and wanted to have it back, after awhile.

"Do you want to make a dollar, kid?" he asked, jingling four quarters enticingly. The boy's eyes never left the fist that held the tempting bait. "Betcherlife," he answered. "Well, then," instructed Garrick, "take these newspapers. I don't want you to sell any of them on the street. But when you come to that garage over there see it? I want you to yell, 'Extra special extra!

Yours shpiritual; mine shpirituous. Joke, see! Play on wor'd. Shpiritual shpirituous." "You're intoxicated, sir," Perkin's told him sternly. "Betcherlife I am, old cock! Ever get shp shp shpiflicated yourself?" "Go home and go to bed, sir!" "Whaffor? 'S early yet. 'S reasonable man I ask whaffor?" The professor turned away, but Jeff caught at his sleeve. "Lesh not go to bed. Lesh talk economicsh."

"Whenever you fiddle you just give me the jim-jams, with the creeps going up and down my back; and what's worse, I always have to blow my nose when you get through." "What a good chap you are, Hock! You make me believe in myself. Perhaps I really will amount to something some day," replied Archie, warmly. "Betcherlife!" said the sturdy one. "Well, so-long!

Betcherlife my ma'd chinge with yours if she could." "Would she? But Angel doesn't get on at all well here. I've heard her telling a lady she lent some money to, and wanted to have it back, after awhile.

"Hello, Budge Rankin!" exclaimed Jack, as he saw the queer, bright lad who had lived near him in Denton, and for whom Jack had secured the place of second janitor at the school. "So you think you know what the trouble is?" "Betcherlife," replied Budge, who had a habit of running his words together, a habit which his gum-chewing did not tend to relieve. "What is it?"

If Bothwell were on board the ship as a stowaway the aspect of affairs was more serious even than we had thought. "You're sure it was Captain Bothwell, Jimmie?" "Say, would I know me own mother? Would I know Jim Jeffries or Battling Nelson if I got an eyeful of them walking down Market Street? Would I be sure of the Chronicle Building if I set my peepers on it? Betcherlife." "How was he dressed?"

He carefully carried the long ends of the ropes down the bank and into the water. "Oh, I see!" exclaimed Sam, with a chuckle. "Say, this is great!" "Now, Budge," said Jack, when he had finished his preparations. "You hide in the bushes. When you think it's time, you toss a stone into the water. Do you understand?" "Betcherlife!" replied Budge, shortly.

She was just thinking about going back in when a barefoot boy ran past and whistled. From the next house a second youngster emerged. "That you, Jimmie?" "Betcherlife. Say, 've you heard about the sheriff?" "Who? Jack Flatray! Course I have. The Roaring Fork outfit ambushed him, beat him up, and made him hit the trail for town." "Aw! That ain't news. He's started back after them again.