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To imagine that you can strike a bargain with the good God by letting a sick theory of expiation of a dying, fever-distraught creature besmirch his repute as a man and a gentleman, make his whole life seem like a whited sepulchre, and bring his name into odium, as kind a man as ever lived, and you know it! as honest, and generous, and whole-souled, to be held up to scorn and humiliation because of a boyish prank forty years ago, that precipitated a disaster never intended, bad enough, silly enough, even wicked enough, but not half so bad and silly and wicked as you, with your morbid shrinking from moral responsibility, and your ready contributive defamation of character.

We entreat Our loved ones not to besmirch the hem of Our raiment with the dust of falsehood, neither to allow references to what they have regarded as miracles and prodigies to debase Our rank and station, or to mar the purity and sanctity of Our name. Gracious God!

To avoid a conflict he would at this moment have sacrificed half his fortune, but not one particle of his dignity. He knew and respected the old Duc de Marny, a feeble old man now, almost a dotard whose hitherto spotless blason, the young Vicomte, his son, was doing his best to besmirch.

Madame de Noyan is so far above you in every attribute of unsullied womanhood that no words of yours can ever besmirch her reputation; while, as to myself, I remain so certain of my own rectitude in the action of this night, I challenge you to do your worst." "No doubt the Chevalier will also feel confidence in all you say," she added maliciously. "I understand it is the way with the French."

Furthermore, the chances were that the British-American Coal and Lumber Company would still have good value for their money, for the west half of the limits was exceptionally good; and besides, what right had he to besmirch the honor of his employer, and to set his judgment above that of a man of much greater experience? Ranald understood also Mr. St.

Early, and I am sure, for certain reasons," here Ellery was horrified to see a little flush creeping over her face, "that he would not be guilty of any attempt to besmirch me. And no one else knew that I was there except " A sudden startled look came over her face and she looked involuntarily at Dick. "Except " she said, and her voice trailed off.

Lear, who had seen his daughters as paragons, sees them now as centaurs; he, who had adored their filial devotion, compares them now to the most obscene things which can besmirch the sight; nothing is too shameful to express the fall from that ideal. We see, then, why it is that the highest forms of literature are necessarily concerned with pain.

The beauty of which I speak is no material thing, she does not kindle her fires with the glow of passionate desire alone; more especially she awakens the man in man, arouses thought, inspires courage, fertilises the creative power of genius, even when that genius stands at the culmination of its dignity and power; she does not scatter her beams for trifles, does not besmirch purity she is womanly wisdom.

As he aged his caution began to verge on timidity, so anxious was he not to besmirch the reputation he had acquired.

And when a country had been shaped and guided by such men as Lincoln, why trample its face and besmirch its good name just because there were in it some evil men contending against its ideals of freedom and democracy? This old soldier lived about a mile from Jimmie, and asked his new friend to come and see him.