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Wan't goin to take back any common lobstas, bet you dat, notin for me but de best, de bery best ones dar. Dat ar's what kep me. It takes a heap ob time an car to get de best ones, when dar's a crowd lyin about ob all sizes, an de water comin in too." "But didn't you see that the tide was coming up to the point?"

We calls it soup. Anyhow, it's bery good." "Yes, Quash, it's not bad. But look there, our daring and expert young hunter evidently wants us to land, for he is pointing to the bush. Shall we go?" "P'r'aps it's as well, massa. Ob course no alligator's sitch a fool as swaller dat little mout'ful when we's a-lookin' at it. I s'pose Leetle Cub wants us to go away, an' gib 'em a chance."

Alice started up on one elbow, and was about to utter a scream of delight and surprise, when her sable friend laid her black paw suddenly on the child's pretty mouth, and effectually shut it up. "Hush! Alice; no cry. Savage hear and come back kill Poopy bery much quick. Listen. Me all alone. You bery clibber. Dry up eyes, no cry any more. Look happy. God will save you.

All dat's bery fine, and Cyd's gwine to set down at de fus table." "Here, Cyd," called Dan, through the sky-light, as he proceeded to pass down the breakfast. "Put them on the table." "Mossifus! Do you think Cyd don't know what to do wid dese yere tings? I knows what fried bacon's fur!"

What a pity it is though dey make de glasses so almighty tunderin' small; de man dat inwented dem couldn't a had no remaginable nose at all, dat are a fac." "But the colour of Adam?" said I. "Oh, Massa," he said, "you knows bery well he was a black gentleman, and Missus Eve a most splendid Swanga black lady. Oh yes, Massa, dey were made black to enjoy de grand warm sun.

Of the two great divisions among them, Barbadians seemed more well-mannered than Jamaicans or was it merely more subtle hypocrisy? Among them all the most unspoiled children of nature appeared to be those from the little island of Nevis. "You ain't no American?" "Yes, ah is." "Why, you de bery furst American ah eber see dat was perlite."

"It looks much more dangerous from here than it is in reality," said Nigel to her in a reassuring tone. "Das true, Massa Nadgel, das bery true," interposed Moses, endeavouring to comfort himself as well as the others by the intense earnestness of his manner.

"Yes, an' a bery clebber 'rangement for de lan'lord. He's a cute man de lan'lord. I s'pose you's agwine?" "No, I am not going. I have received no invitation; besides, I have no evening dress." "Bless you, massa, you don't need no invitation, nor evenin' dress needer! You just go as you are, an' it's all right." "But I have no wish to go. I would rather prepare for an early start to-morrow."

"Be sure you do, Massa Vincent. You ride about a great deal, dat fellow bery like take a shot at you from behind tree. Don't you go near dat plantation, or sure enuff trouble come." "I will look out, Dan. There is one thing, I always ride fast; and it wants a very good shot to hit one at a gallop.

"Den I hear somebody say Cap'n Lane woun'ed, an' I slip out toward de creek-road, an' dar I see dem a-carryin Cap'n Lane, an' de surgeon walkin' 'longside ob him. My heart jes' stood still wid fear. His eyes was shut, an' he look bery pale-like. Dey was a-carryin' him up de steps ob de verandy when Missy S'wanee came runnin' ter see what was de matter.