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I came for a certain purpose. I came to learn certain things at last that your body can tell me now. I open the case. As before, I cut the dressings with the shining scissors. And I was just about to say to you, as before: "If I hurt you, call out." At the edge of the beetroot field, a few paces from the road, in the white sand of Champagne, there is a burial-ground.

"'There he is, ses Uncle Dick. 'That's the man! "Mrs. Muffit walked up to 'im, and my 'art a'most stopped beating. Her face was the colour of beetroot with temper, and you could 'ave heard her breath fifty yards away. "'Ho! she says, planting 'erself in front of Artful 'Arry, 'so you're the man that ses you're my 'usband, are you? "'That's all right, ses 'Arry, 'it's all a mistake.

Watery soup with knobby dumplings and pieces of cinnamon, boiled beef dry as cork, with white fat attached, slimy potatoes, soft beetroot and mashed horseradish, a bluish eel with French capers and vinegar, a roast joint with jam, and the inevitable 'Mehlspeise, something of the nature of a pudding with sourish red sauce; but to make up, the beer and wine first-rate!

Why, just see, how can he go to Moscow in such wrecks?" "Let him take my old ones; they are still quite good." "He must have trousers, anyway; he is a disgrace to look at." And immediately after that a storm-signal showed itself, at the sight of which all the family trembled. Shiryaev's short, fat neck turned suddenly red as a beetroot.

One in particular, which the people called "gunhar," was of the hue of beetroot, and grew upon its stalk in heavy, gorgeous masses, which added considerably to the richness of the landscape. The seed of this consists of myriads of little semi-transparent white grains, very like ant's eggs, and the taste is something similar to that of wheat.

And he pulled it this way and that, and the cloth on the sideboard had got all crumpled up, and suddenly down went a dish of beetroot with a smash, and all the rich red juice streamed over the cloth and on to the carpet. He was frightened then, and turned to run away; but his broad, flat paws had got into the beetroot juice, and he left great marks all across the cloth.

As a matter of fact things had not gone on very pleasantly between the Boches and the Coupeaus for a month past. Gervaise, who was of a very generous nature, was continually bestowing wine, broth, oranges and slices of cake on the Boches. One night she had taken the remains of an endive and beetroot salad to the concierge's room, knowing that the latter would have done anything for such a treat.

Andrea del Sarto built up the model of the Baptistery with all kinds of eatables, with a reading desk of veal, and book with letters inlaid with truffles, at which the choristers were roast thrushes with open beaks, while the canons were pigeons in red mantles of beetroot an idea more droll than reverential.

The beetroot is cut up into small slices called "cossettes," and these are placed in vessels filled with water. The result is that a current of endosmosis takes place from the water toward the juice in the cells, and a current of exosmosis from the juice toward the water. These currents go on cell by cell, and continue until a state of equilibrium is attained.

Refrain from all things that may provoke either urine or menstruation, also salt, sour, and windy food, and keep to a moderate diet. If the bowels are confined, relieve the stomach with injections made of a decoction of mallows and violets, with sugar and salad oil; or make a broth with borage, buglos, beetroot, and mallows, and add a little manna to it.