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We gazed at it blankly, with never a word to say, and turned our horses' heads. Our attention was attracted by a small group of men standing round the storm-signal post. As we rode up, they hastily scattered, and we saw pinned to the post a sheet of note-paper. Which sentence let every loyal citizen observe at his peril. "President." Truly, this was pleasant!

Those men were ushered into eternity because they did not give heed to the warning. I lift up the storm-signal now, and warn you to escape from the coming judgment! There was a man living near one of the great trunk roads a number of years ago, who one night saw that a landside had obstructed the track.

Penrose ventured to hint on some phase of the broader theology, the old man was provoked to impatience; and when he went so far as to quote Browning, and declare that 'The loving worm within its clod Were diviner than a loveless god Amid his worlds, a gleam of fire shot from the mild eye of Mr. Morell, significant as a storm-signal across a sea of glass.

"Auto quicker," echoed the lunatic with his hideous laugh. He patiently let himself be taken by the arm and led away. He turned round once with a grin at the glittering medals, but the adjutant pulled him along. The general followed them with his eyes until they entered the machine. The "storm-signal" was hoisted ominously between his eyebrows.

The general's pudgy hand involuntarily clenched itself, and the dreaded frown, the "storm-signal" that his own soldiers, as well as the enemy, had learned to fear, appeared for a moment on his prominent forehead. Then his face cleared again, and His Excellency looked around proudly. No! The Victor of was not afraid. His wall stood firm and swayed not.

The connection between the life-saving and storm-signal service was effected at several stations, thus supplying telegraphic communication between the department and the coast outposts. This, probably, was the most marked advance made by the service: it was the nerve-line which brought the working members under control of an intelligent head.

Why, just see, how can he go to Moscow in such wrecks?" "Let him take my old ones; they are still quite good." "He must have trousers, anyway; he is a disgrace to look at." And immediately after that a storm-signal showed itself, at the sight of which all the family trembled. Shiryaev's short, fat neck turned suddenly red as a beetroot.

All navigation was regulated by these two constellations. The one said to shipmaster and crew: "Hoist sail for the sea, and gather merchandise from other lands." But Orion was the storm-signal, and said: "Reef sail, make things snug, or put into harbor, for the hurricanes are getting their wings out."