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"But " began the hermit. "But, oh," said the beautifulest, "of course hermits have great pots of gold and doubloons buried somewhere near three great oak-trees. They all have." "I have not," said the hermit, regretfully. "I'm so sorry," said Miss Trenholme. "I always thought they had. I think I must go now." Oh, beyond question, she was the beautifulest. "Fair lady " began the hermit.

Mrs. Berry inquired. "None for this. I know it's wrong to cry when I am so happy. I hope he will forgive me." Mrs. Berry vowed her bride was the sweetest, softest, beautifulest thing in life. "I'll cry no more," said Lucy. "Leave me, Mrs. Berry, and come back when I ring." She drew forth a little silver cross, and fell upon her knees to the bed. Mrs. Berry left the room tiptoe.

Hoda's eyes, then called back, 'Help me care for the many that are left. I will never forsake you nor them. After that, Mr. Hoda knew what his work was. He fought so hard to follow his vision he burned all his doctor's books for fear he might be tempted. He had gone hungry to buy those books. A long time after, Mr. Hoda didn't care about them, for his vision brought him the beautifulest faith.

Think how we must suffer no matter how small I buy my shoes they always pinch my toes. Oh, why can't there be lady hermits, too!" The beautifulest and most adolescent Trenholme sister extended two slender blue ankles that ended in two enormous blue-silk bows that almost concealed two fairy Oxfords, also of one of the forty-seven shades of blue.

And yet in his earlier days, before he was so entirely possessed with this insane desire for riches, King Midas had shown a great taste for flowers. He had planted a garden in which grew the biggest and beautifulest and sweetest roses that any mortal ever saw or smelled.

"An' then, Miss Majesty, then there was somethin' happened. Stewart took Pat's gun away from him and throwed it on the floor. An' what followed was beautiful. Sure it was the beautifulest sight I ever seen. Only it was over so soon!

Then give thanks and still more thanks, that to you and to me, the beautifulest land the good God ever made spells home, and friends, and America! Amen." More and more Zura had assumed the duties of our housekeeping. The generous sum Kishimoto San promptly forwarded each month for her maintenance so relieved the financial pressure that I was able to relax somewhat my vigilance over the treasury.

It seemed sometimes, as if you could almost see a white, shadowy figure, inside the gate, a lookin' out, and watchin' with her arms reached out; and then it would all melt into the light again, as clouds will. It wus the beautifulest sunset I had seen, that year, by far.

Once only the hunters saw the pair a momentary Glimpse of a Bear so huge they half believed Tampico's tale, and a Bear of lesser size in fur that rolled and rippled in the sun with brown and silver lights. "Oh, ain't that just the beautifulest thing that ever walked!" and both the hunters gazed as she strode from view in the chaparral.

"Why I can't tell you, Aunt Kate. It's a surprise. It's a beautifulest surprise. Something I want to show you just because I love you, Aunt Kate." Katie's eyes brooded over him. "Dear little chappie, and Aunt Kate's a cross mean old thing, isn't she?" "Not if she'll stop the boat," said crafty Worth. She laughed and surveyed the shore. It looked feasible. "I'm very 'easy, Worth.