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Take it, for God's sake, as discipline to you and have done with it. It will do," he added, "for discipline to me as well." She was far, however, from having done with it; it was a situation with such different sides, as she said, and to none of which one could, in justice, be blind. "It isn't in the least, you know, for instance, that I believe she's bad. Never, never," Mrs. Assingham declared.

"Ah, God forbid! for it's exactly as a woman of imagination that I speak. There's no moment of my life at which I'm not imagining something; and it's thanks to that, darling," Mrs. Assingham pursued, "that I figure the sincerity with which your husband, whom you see as viciously occupied with your stepmother, is interested, is tenderly interested, in his admirable, adorable wife."

"Or even," her friend too superficially concurred, "that your father might!" As to this, at all events, Maggie discriminated. "No, that wouldn't have prevented them; for they knew that his first care would be not to make me do so. As it is," Maggie added, "that has had to become his last." Fanny Assingham took it in deeper for what it immediately made her give out louder. "HE'S splendid then."

That it's awfully quaint, that the pair are awfully quaint, quaint with all our dear old quaintness by which I don't mean yours and mine, but that of my own sweet countrypeople, from whom I've so deplorably degenerated that," Mrs. Assingham declared, "was originally the head and front of their appeal to me and of my interest in them.

She doesn't understand us. And really, my dear," Charlotte added, "Fanny Assingham doesn't matter." He wondered again. "Unless as taking care of THEM." "Ah," Charlotte instantly said, "isn't it for us, only, to do that?" She spoke as with a flare of pride for their privilege and their duty. "I think we want no one's aid."

Assingham professed, was exactly what would endear them to her, and that, in turn, drew from her visitor a fresh declaration of all the comfort of his being able so to depend on her. He had been with her, at this point, some twenty minutes; but he had paid her much longer visits, and he stayed now as if to make his attitude prove his appreciation.

Assingham alike indulgent, always, to tobacco, and in fact practising an emulation which, as Fanny said, would, for herself, had the Colonel not issued an interdict based on the fear of her stealing his cigars, have stopped only at the short pipe. Here cards had with inevitable promptness asserted their rule, the game forming itself, as had often happened before, of Mr. Verver with Mrs.

Assingham, and emboldened, smiled "So he knows ?" But Maggie hung back. "Amerigo ?" After which, however, she blushed to her companion's recognition. "Your father. He knows what YOU know? I mean," Fanny faltered "well, how much does he know?" Maggie's silence and Maggie's eyes had in fact arrested the push of the question which, for a decent consistency, she couldn't yet quite abandon.

Then, if SHE had not had confidence, we might have talked. But she had it to any amount." "Did you ask her how much?" Bob Assingham patiently inquired. He had put the question with no more than his usual modest hope of reward, but he had pressed, this time, the sharpest spring of response. "Never, never it wasn't a time to 'ask. Asking is suggesting and it wasn't a time to suggest.

The right person it is equally distinct had not, for this illumination, been wanting, but had been encountered in the form of Fanny Assingham, not for the first time indeed admitted to his counsels, and who would have doubtless at present, in any case, from plenitude of interest and with equal guarantees, repeated his secret.