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"Then you won't find fault, Artie, if I ask how things stood with you you see it's this way, Artie " "Now, hold on, old man," said Arthur. "If you are going to get embarrassed in trying to do something for me, then I withdraw. Speak right out what you have to say, and leave me to make any reply that suits me."

Its door was open and Arthur could see the whole of the interior. Dory and a young woman were standing by a bench at the window, were bending over something in which they seemed to be absorbed. Not until Arthur stepped upon the doorsill did they lift their heads. "Hello, Artie!" cried Dory, coming forward with extended hand. Arthur was taking off his hat and bowing to the young woman.

If I'd taken your advice, my boy, I'd have come up to visit you when you were an undergraduate, and ruined your prospects at the very outset. No, no, Artie, I shall stop here, and stick to my last, my dear boy, stick to my last, to the end of all things. 'You shall do nothing of the sort, Daddy; that I'm determined upon, Arthur cried vehemently. 'I'm not going to let you do any more shoemaking.

The old shoemaker passed his hand over his big, bulging brow, bent outward as it is so often in men of his trade by the constant habit of stooping over their work, and said briskly, 'No, Artie, my boy, not a sign of it this week not a single sign of it. I've been taking a bit of holiday, you see, and it's done me a lot of good, I can tell you; made me feel another man entirely.

But ye know as well as I do that the girls are not med for the convent, except the blessed few...." Anne fled from the stream of Judy's eloquence, and the old lady looked expressively at Mona. "She's afraid she's goin' to lose her Artie. Oh, these Irish mothers! they'd kape a boy till his hairs were gray, an' mek him belave it too, if they cud. I never saw but wan mother crazy to marry her son.

Perhaps he would help us over a week or two; and if I hadn't got work by that time, we should at least be abler to bear the hunger! So the next day, without a word to mother or Artie, I set out and came down here." "And you didn't see sir Wilton?" "La, miss! who told you? Did I let out the name?"

"The object of this meeting is, to vote on whether we'll go into the city to-morrow and get some stuff we'll need up at camp. "Artie has got a list of the things we need, and they add up to four dollars and twenty-two cents. If each fellow chips in a quarter, we'll have enough. Each fellow that wants to go has to pay his own railroad fare Alf is going with me, so he should worry.

It did not leak out until supper that Sam was coming. Warham said to Susan, "While Ruth's looking out for Artie, you and I'll have a game or so of chess, Brownie." Susan colored violently. "What?" laughed Warham. "Are you going to have a beau too?" Susan felt two pairs of feminine eyes pounce hostile eyes, savagely curious.

Father died and William Perry was mudders second husband. "My mudder wuz a Virginian and my father was a South Carolinian. My oldest brodder was named Sebron and oldest sister wuz Maggie. Den de next brudder wuz William, de next sister wuz named Artie, next Susie. Dats all of dem. "De hol entire family lived together on the Cakhoba river, Perry County, Alabama.

But, alas, the very next morning I was at the telephone when I heard Flora run to the door to let somebody in, and before I could speak I heard her say, in that surprised, complaining tone of hers, "Aren't you going to kiss me?" and then well, I got up and slammed the door so hard that the key fell out. What a fool Artie was?