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Come on to my house, Tom, and I'll help you clean up." Tom was a little more presentable when he left his chum's residence, after spending the evening there, but he was still burning for revenge against Andy and his cronies. He had half a notion to go to Andy's house and tell Mr. Foger how nearly serious the bully's prank at the sub marine had been, but he concluded that Mr.

So after a while, when she was gone, I got ashamed seein' Andy's friends makin' their way when he couldn't seem to, and so I took him away where nobody hed ever been acquainted with us. I was layin' money by to get him the best doctor in Europe. I 'ain't been a good man." A faintness mastered him, and Elizabeth would have put the picture on the table, but his hand closed round it.

"Troth, Nell, dacent woman," replied the other, "myself can't exactly say that. I'll be bound he's on the Esker, looking afther the sheep, poor crathurs, durin' Andy Connor's illness in the small-pock. Poor Andy's very ill, Nell, an' if God hasn't sed it, not expected; glory be to his name!" "Is Andy ill?" inquired Nell; "and how long?" "Bedad, going on ten days."

She looked splendid. 'I want to thank you for her sake, she said quickly. 'You are good men! I like the Bushmen! They are grand men they are noble! I'll probably never see either of you again, so it doesn't matter, and she put her white hand on Andy's shoulder and kissed him fair and square on the mouth. 'And you, too! she said to me. I was taller than Andy, and had to stoop.

He fired in the air, over the Martian's head, but to the surprise of the adventurers the weapon only gave a faint sound, like that of a pop gun, while the bullet rolled from the barrel and dropped at Andy's feet. "Why, that's worse than ever!" he exclaimed. "I guess the red stuff must have taken all the power out of your gun, Andy," said Mark. The Martian stood still for a moment.

The anchor was now close to the rear of Andy's car. Suddenly it caught on the tonneau and Tom called that fact to Mr. Sharp. "Fasten the rope at the cleat," directed the balloonist. Tom did so, and a moment later the aeronaut sent the airship up by turning more gas into the container.

Shrieks, yells, a great babel arose from the audience. The centre pole creaked and swayed dangerously. Then, with a sharp rip the canvas roof over Andy's head was wrenched from place and went sailing up into the air. A heavy wooden cross-piece running between two supports had been torn loose at one end. The rope securing it whipped about and struck Andy in the face.

"Well, we'll leave this junk in your room, Andy, and then go out and have some fun," suggested Thad. They piled their purchases on the beds in Andy's and Dunk's room in Wright Hall and then proceeded on to Burke's place, an eating and drinking resort for many students. There was a crowd there when Andy and his chums entered and they were noisily greeted. "Oh, you Dunk!" "Over here! Lots of room!"

Then he looked about for Andy's grip. It occurred to him that he would have a good opportunity to examine its contents. He started in surprise and dismay, for the grip was gone. "He must have given me the slip," he exclaimed. "Did any one see the boy go out with his gripsack?" he asked, as he returned. "I saw him go out, but he had nothing in his hand," answered the landlord.

He heard Andy's step behind him, and heard his own name spoken again. "It was my fault, Pete. I ought to 'a' hollered. I saw your fire and rode over " Andy's hand was on Pete's shoulder, and that shoulder was shaking queerly. Andy drew back. "There goes that dam' cayuse," cried Andy. "I'll go catch him up, and let him drag a rope."