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No definite information is available as to what part Francisco Mercado took during the disturbed two years when the English held Manila and Judge Anda carried on a guerilla warfare. The Dominicans were active in enlisting their tenants to fight against the invaders, and probably he did his share toward the Spanish defense either with contributions or personal service.

Here the voice of Don Cosme was heard calling out "Pepe! Ramon! Francisco! bring dinner. Anda! anda!" "Who on earth is the old fellow calling?" asked the major, with some concern in his manner. "I see no one." Nor could we; so we all rose up together, and approached that side of the building that looked rearward. The house, to all appearance, had but one apartment the room in which we then were.

Near the Anda monument he heard Ben-Zayb talking with another person about Simoun, learning that the latter had on the previous night been taken suddenly ill, that he refused to see any one, even the very aides of the General. "Yes!" exclaimed Isagani with a bitter smile, "for him attentions because he is rich. The soldiers return from their expeditions sick and wounded, but no one visits them."

DON EDUARDO. Que está a dos pasos de aquí, en la calle de Cantarranas. DOÑA MATILDE. Por lo mismo ha hecho usted bien en afeitarse y en ... mas a lo menos trataremos de recuperar el tiempo perdido. ¿Bruno? BRUNO. ¿Señorita? DOÑA MATILDE. Anda, y dile a papá que el Sr. D. Eduardo de Contreras desea hablarle de una materia muy importante. BRUNO. No creo que el amo se haya despertado todavía.

Owing to the fact that I was appointed a sort of matron to the women's dormitory, and had to be on hand to assign the ladies to their cots and to register them, I did not go down to the Anda Monument to see the disembarkation. Plenty of people who might have pleaded less legitimate interest in the pedagogues than I had, were there, however.

It was reserved for other dignitaries of the Church and Anda, an energetic patriot, to inflame the natives against the foreigners; and the opposition incited by the zealousness of the priests grew to such an extent that the English, who were confined in the town, were actually glad to be able to retreat.

Don Simon Anda was about the first person who showed any desire to augment the trade of the islands; and his election to the highest offices of the colony, after its restoration by the English, was a most fortunate event for Manilla.

A low sound like the "sough" of the sea or the distant falling of water came from the north; while at intervals the hoarse bark of the coyote and the yelling of terrified monkeys could be heard afar off in the woods. "Tapa la casa! tapa la casa!" "Anda! anda con los macates!" This was speedily fastened at all corners, and strong stays were carried out and warped around the trunks of trees.

Van Anda, editor of the NewYorkTimes, telling him that Bernstorff and his staff were being treated with every courtesy and that the German ships had not been confiscated.