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All the sculptured figures, called pasos, which are of the natural size and colour, and are carried about in those doleful processions, represent the principal scenes of our Saviour’s passion,—such as his prayer in the garden, the treachery of Judas, the judgment of Pilate, and the crucifixion. In Seville, the processions of Holy Week are of an extent and character renowned all over Christendom.

In a certain country-town in Spain there are two pasos, one representing our Saviour and the other the Virgin, and when the procession turns to enter the church, scarcely has the former been introduced when the second approaches, but before she can get within the porch the door is shut, and thereupon the whole concourse of attendants burst out into bitter sobs and crying, deploring that the mother of our Lord is denied the favour of following her Son into the sacred edifice.

In villages too poor to possess pasos the beautifully modelled life-size figures which form the tableaux in the rich churches and processions human actors take their place. In Castellon de la Plana, where there is a yearly procession in honour of Santa María Magdalena, somewhat curious scenes take place.

Where there are no pasos, or groups of statues, to represent the scenes of the passion, these are substituted by real men and women, among whom are distributed the parts of the Virgin, the apostles, Pilate, and the Saviour himself;—and this profanation does not excite the least scruple in a nation calling itself Christian.

X, p. 369: 'Habrá cuatro años ó poco mas que por insistir yo en ello, en un capítulo provincial de mi órden se votó secreto en la eleccion conforme al concilio, y se atajaron los pasos á la ambicion de muchos, y resultó que este que se tenia ya por provincial por la violencia de un su amigo, que si se votara público como solia, era muy poderoso, quedó en vacío.

DON EDUARDO. Que está a dos pasos de aquí, en la calle de Cantarranas. DOÑA MATILDE. Por lo mismo ha hecho usted bien en afeitarse y en ... mas a lo menos trataremos de recuperar el tiempo perdido. ¿Bruno? BRUNO. ¿Señorita? DOÑA MATILDE. Anda, y dile a papá que el Sr. D. Eduardo de Contreras desea hablarle de una materia muy importante. BRUNO. No creo que el amo se haya despertado todavía.

There they bring out one of these pasos, in which are seen the twelve apostles seated at table, with the slight anachronism that their chairs are of the most elegant description that can be manufactured in London or Paris.