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Updated: November 7, 2024

"They are splendid fellows, all of them, and I beg of you to overlook their unfortunate er zealousness. Permit me to add that you are not guilty I should say, that you are honourably discharged by this humble court. But wait! The sergents shall also apologise. Here! Attend. It devolves upon you "

"Oui! if you can!" she answered, with a mocking laugh. "Clopin, cher ami, your poor little parakeets are safe for the night unless monsieur grows desperate and eats them for himself." "Even that, if it were necessary to get the pearl, madame," said Cleek, with the utmost sang-froid. "Faugh!" looking at his watch, "a good twenty minutes wasted by the zealousness of those idiotic searchers of yours.

It was reserved for other dignitaries of the Church and Anda, an energetic patriot, to inflame the natives against the foreigners; and the opposition incited by the zealousness of the priests grew to such an extent that the English, who were confined in the town, were actually glad to be able to retreat.

With nothing but keen, fair, honest, and splendid zealousness Mr. James Jump has pioneered this sport almost single-handed against the heavy tackle record-holder who until recently dominated the Tuna Club and the boatmen and the fishing at Avalon. To my shame and regret I confess that it took me three years to recognize Jump's bigness as an angler and his tenacity as a fighter.

Other serving men broke priceless bottles of Venetian glass against the corners of tables, and let the costly Rhenish wines run about their feet. This, the Master Viridus said, was intended to point out the wealth of their lord and his zealousness to entertain his Sovereigns. 'It would serve the purpose as well to give them twice as much fare, Katharine said.

This is, however, rather a matter of private concern than of zealousness in the performance of his official duties; the possibilities of peculation are ever before him. While satisfying the claim of the ticket-collector a deck-hand comes forward and, pointing to the bicycle, blandly asks me for backsheesh.

The father was surprised into clearing his throat, and attacking his oatmeal with a zealousness unnatural in a man who regarded breakfast-foods as moral rather than interesting. While he was lighting a cigar, and Claire was paying the bill, Mr. Boltwood stalked Milt, cleared his throat all over again, and said, "Nice morning." It was the first time the two men had talked unchaperoned by Claire.

Miss Pelham made it a point to look as fascinating as possible on the occasion of these interesting trips into the Enemy's territory. The Enemy, doing his duty by his clients with a determination that seemed incontestable, suffered in the end because of his very zealousness.

"Faugh!" looking at his watch, "a good twenty minutes wasted by the zealousness of those idiotic searchers of yours. Ten minutes to ten! Just time for one brief song. Let us make hay while the sun lasts, madame, for it goes down suddenly here in Mauravania; and for some of us it never comes up again!"

And once the very zealousness of our comrades almost brought about the horror I feared. Oh!" with a shudder of horrified recollection and a covering of the eyes, as if to shut out the memory of it "Oh! that night that horrible night!

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