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Didn't know I was an Amurrican, did you?" "I never doubted it from the moment you spoke." "Didn't you, now? Well, that is curious. It's my pushing way, perhaps." "Yes, that was it," said Brace, laughing. "Well, there's nothing like it if you want to get ahead. So you're going up the big rivers, are you?" "Look here, sir," said Brace: "my brother will be down soon.

"I'm as English as yourself or rather Amurrican. Know you quite well by sight, Captain. Seen you on the steamers when I was stationed at our headquarters in Boma. What might you be up here for?" "I've a bit of a job on hand for Captain Nilssen of Banana." "Old Cappie Nilssen? Know him quite well. Married him to that Bengala wife of his, the silly old fool.

Hev you seen the new library?" "Oh, yes; I live here." "Do ye? Well, you're lucky. For this city's so grand it's jest a pleasure to walk around. And that Library's the most beautiful buildin' I ever saw in all my seventy-two years. I've been twice a day to look at it, and it makes me feel proud to be an Amurrican. If Paradise is any more beautiful than that there buildin', I do want to go there."

What else could I do with them anyway? But I believe if I'd met your friend, Lord Ashiel, before I'd taken the fatal step, I'd have waited to see if he didn't fancy an Amurrican wife. But of course he doesn't care a hill of beans whether I'm rich or not. He's got plenty himself, I'm told, and I guess he'd never have looked at me while you were around, any old way.

I ain't curious, but you don't look as if you had to stay to home and do the work. But Amurrican girls are so smart they can about look anything they have a mind to." "Oh I am really sorry, but everybody seems to be going, and I haven't spoken to Lady Mary yet. I'm so much obliged to you." "Now, you needn't be, for you're a real nice young lady, and I've enjoyed talkin' to you.

I'm getting sick of Paris and some day I'm going to stop an absinthe on the boulevard and slap its face to show I'm a sturdy moving-picture Western Amurrican and then leap to saddle and pursue the bandit. I'm working like the devil but what's the use. That is I mean unless one is doing the job well, as I'm glad you are. My Dear, keep it up. You know I want you to be real whatever you are.

He stuck to it. "You talk like us." "Well, I'm sure I don't mean to talk like anybody!" I sighed. This diverted him, and brought us closer. "And see here," I continued, "I knew you were English, although you've not dropped a single h." "Oh, but," he said, "dropping h's that's that's not " "I know it isn't," I said. "Neither is talking through your nose. And we don't all say 'Amurrican."

"I've had a queer sort of life with poppa ups and downs, and flyings over the moon, I guess." "You are not American?" said Denzil suddenly. "Sakes! How do you figure that out?" "Because you are too pronouncedly Amurrican to be American." "That's an epigram with some truth in it," replied Lydia coolly. "Oh, I'm as much a U. S. A. article as anything else.

If you don't keep a civil tongue in your head, I'll tell him as you're real dangerous, and that the best thing he can do is to have some o' them irons clapped on your arms and legs, and then shove you below along with your men." "What!" cried the skipper, fiercely; "put me in irons! Me, an Amurrican citizen. I should like to see him do it!" "You soon shall," said Tom, "if you don't mind.