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The sight angered them and they turned to Lourenço. "Tell Monitaya we want this man freed!" McKay snapped. At his peremptory tone the cannibal chieftain looked oddly at him, and when Lourenço translated the demand though in a more diplomatic manner he scowled. But he gave the clubman the word and the rope was lifted from the prisoner's neck. "Gracias, amigos," he bowed.

From the crown of his wide black hat to the tall heels of his dainty boots he was such a dandy as demanded more than a casual glance. "Amigos," he cried, the door closed now, his back to it, his wide hat describing a slow, graceful arc as he raised it gallantly from his black hair, "I have the thirst of a lost soul. Who will drink with me?"

They could only look their thanks and express themselves in a very few words of Spanish. "Adios Amigos," said they to the scantily clothed travelers as they set out on their way to the mines. They followed down the course of the river that flowed through the valley, the Santa Clara River, and knew that it would take them to the sea at last.

"The way to argue with these sort of gents," said Barlow contemptuously, "is shoot their eyes out first and talk next." But as the foremost of the little cavalcade drew up in front of them, with his three followers curbing their horses a few paces in his rear, the fellow's greeting was amazingly hospitable. "Buenas dias, amigos," he called to them.

X, p. 99: ...pero no obstante esto á algunos amigos mios, y á otros, les ha parecido tener inconveniente por andar en lengua vulgar; y á , por la misma razon, me ha pesado que ande, y si lo pudiera estorbar, lo hubiera estorbado.

I have even given you a hint that to delay longer in Barranquila might endanger your enterprise; since the government is just now very anxious to acquire such wonderful modern agents of warfare, as your aeroplane. It only remains to shake your hands, both, amigos, and wish you every good fortune your valor deserves." They squeezed the hand of the fine old Colombian gentleman with vigor.

"It is not the captain's boat, amigos," he said, "and there seem to be only a few people in her. But be ready."

We told them that all was peaceable now; that there would be no more wars in California; that we were all Americans, all Californians hermanos, hermanas, amigos. They expressed their delight at this information by numerous exclamations. We asked the woman how much the dress which she wore, a miserable calico, cost her?

"I believe Austin is a strong Rebel sympathizer," Law ventured. "Sure! And him and the Lewis outfit are amigos. If you go pirootin' around Tad's place you're more'n apt to make yourself unpopular, Dave. I'd grieve some to see you in a wooden kimono.

"Que hay, amigos?" he greeted them. "Do you know what I am going to do for you some fine day? I will build a little roof over you that runs down both ways to shut out the water when it rains. It will make you hoarse, too much wet." That was one of the few dreams of Ignacio's life; one day he was going to make a little roof over each arch.