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"Hospes tamen non is cui diceres, Amabo te, eodem ad me cum revertêre." Lib. xiii. Ep. 52. Biogr. Brit. vol. iii. p. 1791. * Strype, vol. iii. p. 394. Stowe, p. 674. v Strype, vol. iii. p. 129. Append. v* Life of Burleigh, published by Collins. v Life of Burleigh published by Collins, p. 40.

You knew that none of the older members of the family understood the classical language of the orators, and the girl loved so dearly that she did not consider it too great a labour to learn a dead tongue which could be of no further use to her in order to be able to say to her beloved: Ego te in aeternum amabo! One must admit that that was a great and noble sacrifice.

Omnia tecum una perierunt gaudia nostra, Quae tuus in vita dulcis alebat amor. Tu mea, tu moriens fregisti commoda, frater; Tecum una tota est nostra sepulta anima Cujus ego interitu tota de menthe fugavi Haec studia, atque omnes delicias animi. Alloquar? audiero nunquam tua verba loquentem? Nunquam ego te, vita frater amabilior Aspiciam posthac; at certe semper amabo;"

Si te colo, Sexte, non amabo. MART. Lib. ii. Ep. iv. 33. The more I honour thee, the less I love. ONE of the desires dictated by vanity is more general, or less blamable, than that of being distinguished for the arts of conversation.

Francis Xavier, in his greatest of all hymns, has stated once for all the essence of the Christian motive and the religious attitude: "O Deus, ego amo te Nec amo te ut salves me Aut quia non amantes te Aeternis punis igne. "Nee praemii illius spe Sed sicut tu amasti me Sic amo et amabo te Solem, quia Rex meus est." What, then, has been the final effect of humanism upon preaching?

He took quite a fancy, however, to the ode in Horace ending with the lines: Dulce ridentem, Dulce loquentem, Lalagen amabo. And in his thought he substituted for Lalage the fair-haired Bertha, quite regardless of the requirements of the metre.

There I am sure, by God, or by his Mother, that, would they, would they not, in spite of all their teeths, they should be forced to have a little respite and breathing time to moderate the fury and cruel rage of their ambitious aims. This is the doctrine in Gl. 37. d. c. si quando. Odero, si potero; si non, invitus amabo.

Such accidents require to be interpreted by the use which is made of them. Ad Quintum Fratrem, ii. 15. "Ego enim ne pilo quidem minus me amabo." Ibid., ii. 16. Other editions read "te." "Videor id judicio facere: jam enim debeo: sed amore sum incensus." Ad Quintum Fratrem, iii. 1. Ad Crassum. Ad Familiares, v. 8. Ad Lentulum. Ad Fam., i. 8. Ibid., i. 9. De Provinciis Consularibus.

The men's shields preserved their eagle crest, the women had only lozenges, and the family motto, Amo et Amabo, was exchanged for the more pious "Resurgam." Aurelia found that the family seat, whither she was marshalled by Mrs.

He took quite a fancy, however, to the ode in Horace ending with the lines: Dulce ridentem, Dulce loquentem, Lalagen amabo. And in his thought he substituted for Lalage the fair-haired Bertha, quite regardless of the requirements of the metre.

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