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"I gave him a check for ten thousand dollars!" "Of all the fools!" said Mr Goble with a sharp laugh. He caught Wally's eye and subsided once more. Mr Pilkington's fingers strayed agitatedly to his spectacles. "I may have been a fool," he cried shrilly, "though I was perfectly willing to risk the money, had it been applied to the object for which I gave it.

It is difficult for the most accomplished actor to go on looking embarrassed for any length of time, and as Fil's eloquence in the scolding line suddenly failed her, there was an awful pause while the peasant husband, with wonderful agility considering his rheumatism, hopped to the door and called agitatedly for the missing performer.

I shall want to do him in by the time we get back. Oh, Lor! You done for yourself, Sally, my gel! You come a mucker! Look at your husband! Look at him!" She could see Gaga in the distance, moving agitatedly about a porter and the guard, and tripping over luggage, and interrupting other eager passengers, and stretching his long arm over their shoulders in order to touch the guard.

If a dog came sailing out of a thicket, ki-yi-ing agitatedly, and took up his position, tail between his legs, behind his master, we knew there was probably a lion about. Thus we hunted lions with dogs. But in order to be fair to these most excellent canines, it should be recorded that they recovered a certain proportion of their nerve after a rifle had been fired.

"Well, it was decent of you, Hugh, I must say. How does he seem?" "Not at all like like what you'd expect, in his manner." "No," agreed Perry agitatedly, "no, he wouldn't. My God, we've lost a big man in him." "I think we have," I said. He stared at me again, gave me his hand awkwardly, and went into the house.

In one hand Cyril held a Teddy bear, in the other his watch, dangling from its fob chain. Both of these he shook feebly, one after the other, above the tiny faces. "Oh, come, come, pretty baby, good baby, hush, hush," he begged agitatedly. In the doorway Billy clapped her hands to her lips and stifled a laugh.

Then his friend Derec came hesitantly in the door and looked at him remorsefully. He wrung his hands. "I had to do it, Bron," he said agitatedly. "I couldn't help doing it!" Hoddan blinked at him. He was dazed. Things didn't become clearer when he saw that a cop had slit open his pillow and was sifting its contents through his fingers.

Madame de Cintre was calmly happy before the world, and Newman had the felicity of fancying that before him, when the world was absent, she was almost agitatedly happy. She said very tender things. "I take no pleasure in you. You never give me a chance to scold you, to correct you. I bargained for that, I expected to enjoy it. But you won't do anything dreadful; you are dismally inoffensive.

About nine o'clock he rose abruptly and crossed the hall to the study. The three sisters looked at one another. Mrs. Brigham rose, folded her rustling skirts compactly round her, and began tiptoeing toward the door. "What are you going to do?" inquired Rebecca agitatedly. "I am going to see what he is about," replied Mrs. Brigham cautiously.

"Oh, don't use that tone!" she said agitatedly, "I didn't ask him to come here I never encouraged him why, I never thought of him! Am I to blame?" "Look here," said Silver suddenly. "You can't fool me. You know you love him!" Martie did not answer. Her colour had faded, and she looked pale and tired. She dropped her eyes Pity suddenly filled his own.