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"Ye ken do anythin' with critters, if you ain't afeerd of 'em and love 'em," said Peggy shyly. The tall tunnelman, looking down into the depths of Peggy's sunbonnet, saw something in the round blue eyes and grave little mouth that made him think so too. But here Peggy's serious little face took a shade of darker concern as her arm went down deeper into her pocket, and her eyes got rounder.

The little girl hesitated. "I'm afeerd he will," she said, and Hale smiled. "Well, I'll try to persuade him to let you stay, if he does come." June was quite right. She had seen the matter the night before just as it was. For just at that hour young Dave, sobered, but still on the verge of tears from anger and humiliation, was telling the story of the day in her father's cabin.

They are not keeping hotel, they say, which is quite true; they have a right to refuse, even if it is twenty miles to the next place; and they do refuse. "There's the empty Chinese bunk-house over there. You can crawl in there, if you arn't afeerd of ghosts," is the parting remark, as the door closes and leaves me standing, like an outcast, on the dark, barren plain.

Bearing these gifts, they raised the latch of Betty Higden's door, and saw her sitting in the dimmest and furthest corner with poor Johnny in her lap. 'And how's my boy, Betty? asked Mrs Boffin, sitting down beside her. 'He's bad! He's bad! said Betty. 'I begin to be afeerd he'll not be yours any more than mine.

I can see her face light up now when she said it sez she, 'I'm ac-chilly most afeerd to see you converted, less'n you'll break out in some devilment you hadn't never thought about before-you're that inconsistent. "Sometimes I feel mean to think I don't miss 'er more'n what I do an' she so lively, too.

"That's the only thing I'm afeerd of," said the Falin calmly. "But whut I'm tellin' you's our only chance." "How do you know he won't hear us going down? Why not leave the horses?" "We might need the hosses, and hit's mud and sand all the way you ought to know that."

The night's a comin' down fast. It's a'ready gettin' dark; an' I'm afeerd it'll be tough trackin' under the timber. If we're to catch up wi' them the night, we hain't a minnit to spare." "Let us forward then!" Crossing the ridge, we descended rapidly on the other side the track of the wheel guiding us in a direct line to the nearest point of the woods.

"June ain't goin' to be with us long, I'm afeerd:" and, without looking up, June knew the wireless significance of the speech was going around from eye to eye, but calmly she pulled her thread through a green pod and said calmly, with a little enigmatical shake of her head: "I don't know I don't know."

Mas'r Davy, he added; answering, as I think, my look; 'you han't no call to be afeerd of me: but I'm kiender muddled; I don't fare to feel no matters, which was as much as to say that he was not himself, and quite confounded. Mr. Peggotty stopping for us to join him: we did so, and said no more.

Why, what's the matter, child," springing to her side, "tears? I forgot it was your first experience in posing. Why didn't you tell me you were tired?" "I wan't tired," she half sobbed. "Well, what is it? Tell me." "I'm afeerd you'll laugh at me." "Not on your life! And your word for to-day, Amarilly, is afraid. Remember. Never afeerd."