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Captain Scraggs cowered under the rain of ferocious slaps and attempted to fight back, but he was helpless in the huge Gibney's grasp and was forced to submit to a boxing of the ears that would have addled his brains, had he possessed any. "Now, then," Mr. Gibney roared, as he cast the skipper loose, "let that be a lesson to you to let the skeletons in my closet alone hereafter.

"I should imagine," he said, shaking out a copy of The Times, "that it is your brain which is addled." Drummond looked up with mock eagerness. "This," he exclaimed, "must be either the indifference of an utterly callous nature, or it may be ye gods, it may be innocence. Holcroft, we may have been mistaken." "Think not," that young man remarked laconically.

As if the Candidate had not known that! He explained that he had missed his sleep the night before, and had come on ahead so as to snatch a bit during the day. "I see," said Jimmie; and then, "I knowed you by your picture." "Yes?" said the other, patiently. And Jimmie groped round in his addled head for something really worth while. "You'll want to see the Committee?"

"All right," said Toine; "only it keeps me fearfully hot." One morning his wife entered in a state of great excitement, and declared: "The yellow hen has seven chickens! Three of the eggs were addled." Toine's heart beat painfully. How many would he have? "Will it soon be over?" he asked, with the anguish of a woman who is about to become a mother.

When a very little child, he had fallen from his nurse's arms and hurt his head, and as he grew up into boyhood, and showed that his wits had been addled by his fall, his family knew not what else to do with him, and so sent him off to the Monastery of St. Michaelsburg, where he lived his simple, witless life upon a sort of sufferance, as though he were a tame, harmless animal.

Already through his addled brain he heard the monotonous creak-creak of rocking-chair gossip, the sly jest of the smoking-room, the whispered excitement of the kitchen all the sophisticated old worldlings hoping indifferently for the best, all the unsophisticated old prudes yearning ecstatically for the worst! "If we have to stay out here all night?" he repeated wildly.

How my lords then made a Minute, number five thousand one hundred and three, whereby they resigned the business to the Circumlocution Office. How the Circumlocution Office, in course of time, took up the business as if it were a bran new thing of yesterday, which had never been heard of before; muddled the business, addled the business, tossed the business in a wet blanket.

These addled head swains, Of paralyzed brains, Who charge me with corrupting youth, Are a perjuring pair, In Belzebub's chair, Stamped with disgrace and untruth." We are obliged to omit some remarks that accompanied the following poetical effusion:

For the sea-fowl that harboured and lived there at the epoch of my visit were then scattered into the uttermost parts of the ocean, and had left no traces of their sojourn besides dropped feathers and addled eggs. It was to this they had been sent, for this they had stooped all night over the dripping oars, hourly moving further from relief.

Last of all, McKee approached the prostrate man, and made the mistake which was to cost him his life by booting Peruna cruelly. The man was a stupid fellow by nature, and what wits he had were addled by the habit he had acquired of consuming patent-medicines containing alcohol, morphin, and other stimulating and stupefying drugs.