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"Perhaps not; and the hair does look pretty," May admitted. "Do you remember how pretty Mamma's hair was, Uncle Dan?" "Of course I do. It was prettier than yours," the Colonel declared, cheerfully perjuring his soul in the cause of discipline. "So I thought," said May. "There's always something better than ours. I wonder how it would seem to have anything really superlative."

It was angrily said, and the flush, which had begun to die away, slowly made its way back into his cheeks. "Are you willing to repeat that you saw no one?" "There was no one." A lie! All knew it, all felt it. The man was perjuring himself, under his own counsel's persistent questioning on a point which that counsel had evidently been warned by him to avoid.

To his excited feeling Strathmore was perjuring himself in the name of God, since it was impossible to feel that the new bishop followed or intended to follow either. He experienced a wild impulse to spring to his feet and protest; he wondered if he only of all the persons in this crowded church recognized the shocking irreligion of that vow.

Name nearest relatives? Nearest friends? Present occupation?" Even as she answered this last simple question and Mrs. Fike's suspicious query about her salary, Una felt as though she were perjuring herself, as though there were no such place as Troy Wilkins's office and Mrs.

She said in a low voice: "Other men have said it to me.... I have heard them swear it with tears in their eyes and calling God to witness. And I knew all the while that they were lying perjuring their souls for the sake of a ragged, unripe jade, and a wild night's frolic.... Well God made men.... I know myself, too.... To love you as you wish is to care less for you than I already do.

Besides, you know what a sentimental value people of his class attach to seeing their kin buried decently. If Holymead hadn't come forward the girl would have been buried as a pauper, in all probability." "But I don't see that old Kemp is taking much risk," said Inspector Chippenfield. "He is only perjuring himself, and he is too used to that to regard it as a risk."

To make your mind easy, I promised to appoint a young man to that place, a week ago, by Counsellor O'Blaney's special recommendation. So there must be some mistake. PAT, alone. Pat. Mistake? ay, mistake on purpose. So he never spoke! so he lied! my master that was praching me! And oh, the dirty lie he tould me! Now I can't put up with that, when I was almost perjuring myself for him at the time.

A dray rolls slowly by, and I notice there are potatoes in it; but out of sheer fury and stubbornness, I take it into my head to assert that they are not potatoes, but cabbages, and I swore frightful oaths that they were cabbages. I heard quite well what I was saying, and I swore this lie wittingly; repeating time after time, just to have the vicious satisfaction of perjuring myself.

It's my belief he'll never show himself at Ramsgate again." "But, Mr. Gager " "Well, my dear?" "You aren't a perjuring of yourself?" "What; about making you my wife? That I ain't. I'm upright, and always was. There's no mistake about me when you've got my word. As soon as this work is off my mind, you shall be Mrs. Gager, my dear. And you'll be all right.

In the event of any of those troubles wretched police interferences arising, and of officious people obtaining possession of a patron's name, he is spared the necessity of perjuring himself in any way"... "Perhaps I do not entirely understand you, monsieur?" said M. Max. "It is so simple. The police are determined to raid one of our establishments: they adopt the course of tracking an habitue.