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There jest so's his face is out don't let him slip! So now he's breathin' better already. Don't let the water git cold, Mary. Put a little more hot water in there that's right. Yes, he's gittin' red, Mr. Carrington, but he wants to git red. See, he's breathin' better. Does your arm ache? Hold him a little longer; I'm goin' to git some goose grease that I brought along with me from the home.

It was mainly Burke who filled Kieff's place and looked after Guy generally with a quiet efficiency that never encouraged any indulgence. They seemed to be good friends, yet Sylvia often wondered with a dull ache at the heart if this were any more than seeming.

Can you be thankful for toothache, or stomachache, or any kind of ache? You cannot. And not meant to be, either. The room got awful still, and then presently he said: "Mary Cary" his voice was worse than his eye "Mary Cary, do you mean to say you have not a thankful heart?" And he pointed his finger at me like I was the Jezebel lady come to life.

I wouldn't chuck coal at a real mate." He said no more, but sat gazing idly up and down the river with a face from which all expression had been banished, except when at intervals his gaze rested upon the mate, when it lit up with an expression of wonder and joy which made the muscles ache with the exercise.

That would make them feel sure that they were safe of a prize, and they'd come off in their boats to attack." "And then you would let them board us and find out their mistake?" "That I wouldn't, sir!" I cried eagerly; and, oddly enough, my side began to ache where I had had that blow. "I wouldn't risk any of our poor fellows being hurt. I'd sink them before they got alongside." "Humph!

Certain comforts of civilized life I ceased even to regret; a stair-carpet I regarded as rather extravagant, and a carpet on the floor of my room was luxury undreamt of. My sleep was sound; I have passed nights of dreamless repose on beds which it would now make my bones ache only to look at.

Rome was brooding, with his sullen face in his hands; the old miller was busy with his own thoughts; and the boy turned again to his watch. Jasper did not come. Isom's eyes began to ache from the steady gaze, and now and then he would drop them to the water swirling beneath. A slow wind swayed the overhanging branches at the mouth of the stream, and under them was an eddy.

See the proverb which says that when the head aches, all the members ache. So that all good Christians should entreat that he may have long life and health: and those of us who are obliged to serve him more than others must join in this supplication with great earnestness and diligence.

I, a priest? a 'You are a man before everything a man and a father. 'And a servant of the Most High, rebuked the bishop, sternly. 'Well, you look on it in a different light to what I do. You suffered; I should not have suffered. I don't suffer now; I am not going back thirty years to make my heart ache. She paused and clenched her hands. 'Are you sure that he is dead? she asked harshly.

How often his enthusiastic temperament carried him far beyond us all, and how it would make the heart ache to see him brooding mournfully over his secret grief." "I met the Junker in Delft," said Doctor Grotius.