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"Pere Rigou's visits are pretty short," said Gourdon the poet to Madame Soudry. "They are pleasant, if they are short," she answered. "Like his own life," said the doctor; "his abuse of pleasures will cut that short." "So much the better," remarked Soudry, "my son will step into the property." "Did he bring you any news about Les Aigues?" asked the Abbe Taupin.

He was a stern man and overbearing and would brook no contradiction. Not one of his servants or his subjects dared to question his orders; if they did so they got nothing but abuse and blows. He was a grasping man too; if a cow or a goat strayed into his herds he would return the animal if its owner claimed in the same day; but he would not listen to any claim made later.

When the old man ceased at last from exhaustion Colonel Winchester said quietly: "If you had spoken to me in the proper manner we might have gone away and found quarters elsewhere. But we intend to stay here and we will repay your abuse with good manners."

I am afraid of the guardmen, and if they caught me and took me to the station, my friend would abuse me awfully," said Angeline, for such was her name; and she laid her hand upon his arm to feel his wet clothes. He now arose from the chair, and putting on his hat, she followed him to the door and directed him how to proceed to find Broad street.

He had received the best medical care. He had eaten wholesome food. His jailer had proven friendly and sympathetic. He went out of his way to insult the Court and the people and invite abuse. He demanded that he be executed without trial. The Court calmly assigned him two of the ablest lawyers in the county, and ordered the trial to proceed.

See also Sir H. Maine, Popular Government, London, 1886; Sir G.C. Lewis on The Use and Abuse of Certain Political Terms, London, 1832; Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Politics, 2 vols., London, 1852; and Dialogue on the Best Form of Government, London, 1863.

We soon discovered our mistake. His first appearance was not exactly promising. Two fellows while walking round the camp suddenly heard a stream of abuse violently directed at them, and looking up, they saw the commandant coming towards them through a gate in the wire, fairly bursting with rage. His unreasonable complaint was that he had not been saluted while entering his office outside the wire!

Monsieur The harm! the harm! it would be ridiculous. Never. Madame That is the reason? "It would be absurd." It is not from disgust, for there is nothing disgusting there, it is flour and water, nothing more. It is not then from a dislike, but out of pride that you refuse? I do not care to answer it. Madame And what you say is neither generous nor worthy of you, since you abuse your superiority.

And then it is, that she recoils, on the verge: and then it is, that thwarted in the very moment that he deemed triumph secured, the baffled lover falls into fury and abuse, because he imagines her to have been all along clearly aware of what she was about, which is exactly what hardly one woman in a million does.

So that I am bound almost in self-justification to set down my reasons for this temperance of mine in conversation. Speech, no doubt, is a valuable gift, but at the same time it is a gift that may be abused. What is regarded as polite conversation is, I hold, such an abuse.