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"Heigho!" cried Jock, "what's this game of fox and geese you're a-playin' among the farmers?" "C-callate to git the steeple done before frost?" inquired Jethro, without so much as a smile. "B-build it tight, Jock b-build it tight." "Guess he'll build his'n tight, whatever it is," said Jock, looking after him as Jethro made his way to the little tannery near by.

Co'se they turned Rosie right out in the road I hain't got a word to say agin Dave's wife fer that; an' atter a while the boys lets Dave come back, to take keer o' his ole mammy, of co'se, but I tell ye Dave's a-playin' a purty lonesome tune. He keeps purty shy YIT. He don't nuver sa'nter down this way. 'Pears like he don't seem to think hit's healthy fer him down hyeh, an' I reckon Dave's right.

"Jasie," she said then, "I reckon when Babe was a-playin' 'possum in the bushes that day, he could 'a' shot ye when you run down the hill." She took his silence for assent and went on: "That shows he don't hold no grudge agin you fer shootin' at him." Still Jason was silent, and a line of stern justice straightened the woman's lips.

Mary's th' owd'st daughter, yo known. 'Here they are; an' hoo potter't an' rooted abeawt, tryin' these keys; till hoo fund one that fitted at th' side, an' hoo twirled it round an' round till hoo'd wund it up; an' then, yo may guess how capt they wur, when it started a-playin' a tune. 'Hello? said Robin. 'A psaum-tune, bith mass! A psaum-tune eawt ov a weshin'-machine!

I asked him. "'Eard a flute some Fritzie was a-playin' of. An' you ought to 'ave 'eard 'em a-singin'! Doleful as 'ell!" Several men were killed and wounded during the night. One of them was a sentry with whom I had been talking only a few moments before. He was standing on the firing-bench looking out into the darkness, when he fell back into the trench without a cry. It was a terrible wound.

They was a havin' a little party there; they was a father an' a mother an' sisters and brothers an' all; an' they was all a-laughin' an' a-playin' an' jest as happy as they could be. An' they was a boy there 'at wasn't no bigger'n me, an' his mother come an' put her arms aroun' his neck an' kissed him.

"Heigho!" cried Jock, "what's this game of fox and geese you're a-playin' among the farmers?" "C-callate to git the steeple done before frost?" inquired Jethro, without so much as a smile. "B-build it tight, Jock b-build it tight." "Guess he'll build his'n tight, whatever it is," said Jock, looking after him as Jethro made his way to the little tannery near by.

Well, dearie, Elbert was always in an' out, an' always a-hollerin' an' a-laughin' an' a-playin' 'is game. 'E stayed with us all them ten days, an' 'e come with me to Victoria, to see Sherrie off to France. It's Sherrie's allotted money what I fetch every week. But I won't touch it, I puts it away for Elbert. I don't want to owe nothin' to nobody, for I'm payin' sich a big debt.

Five little children with merry, laughin' faces a-playin' at hide and seek in a broken gray old stump, and flowers, and vines, and mosses a-runnin' round it and over it as nateral as life. Wall, I stood before that beautiful object till Josiah had to draw me away from it almost by main force. But inside it come my time to draw him away.

"Heigho!" cried Jock, "what's this game of fox and geese you're a-playin' among the farmers?" "C-callate to git the steeple done before frost?" inquired Jethro, without so much as a smile. "B-build it tight, Jock b-build it tight." "Guess he'll build his'n tight, whatever it is," said Jock, looking after him as Jethro made his way to the little tannery near by.