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He took a turn in the room deep in thought, and there was a pause until Ferguson, rubbing his great Roman nose, asked suddenly had Mr. Wilding seen the Declaration. Mr. Wilding had not, and thereupon the plotting parson, who was proud of his composition, would have read it to him there and then, but that Grey sourly told him the matter would keep, and that they had other things to discuss with Mr.

Like his more famous cousin, Nick Trenchard was one of the Duke of Monmouth's most active agents; and Westmacott, like Wilding, Vallancey, and one or two others at that board, stood, too, committed to the cause of the Protestant Champion.

Therefore," continued Wilding, becoming enthusiastic in his loquacity, "therefore, I want a thoroughly good housekeeper to undertake this dwelling-house of Wilding and Co., Wine Merchants, Cripple Corner, so that I may restore in it some of the old relations betwixt employer and employed! So that I may live in it on the spot where my money is made!

In the course of the protracted consultation, a magnum of the forty-five year old port-wine had been produced for the wetting of Mr. Bintrey's legal whistle; but the more clearly he saw his way through the wine, the more emphatically he did not see his way through the case; repeating as often as he set his glass down empty. "Mr. Wilding, No Thoroughfare. Rest and be thankful."

Wilding to himself, as his eyes enthusiastically followed the light to the portrait's face, "I hang up here, in order that visitors may admire my mother in the bloom of her youth and beauty. My mother at fifty I hang in the seclusion of my own chamber, as a remembrance sacred to me. O! It's you, Jarvis!" These latter words he addressed to a clerk who had tapped at the door, and now looked in.

No doubt she still remained very delicate, with such poor health that one ever feared that she might expire in a faint sigh; and her legs, moreover, were still too weak to admit of her walking any distance. But all the same, she was no longer the little wilding, the little ailing flower of the previous spring. Jahan, who marvelled at the incipient miracle, drew near to the young people.

His voice came harsh with excitement and smouldering rage. "A word with you, Anthony!" Mr. Wilding turned placidly to regard him. "What now?" he asked, his bride's hand retained in the crook of his elbow. "Treachery!" snapped Trenchard in a whisper. "Hell and damnation! Step aside, man." Mr. Wilding turned to Lord Gervase, and begged of him to take charge of Mistress Wilding.

But Sir Rowland's nature mean at bottom was spurred to find him some other way of wiping out the score that lay 'twixt him and Mr. Wilding, a score mightily increased by the shame that Mr. Wilding had put upon him in that encounter from which whatever the issue he had looked to cull great credit in Ruth's eyes.

"The people are coming in hundreds aye, in thousands the gentry will follow; they must." "Make not too sure, Your Grace oh, make not too sure," Wilding besought the Duke. "As I have said, these hinds have nothing to lose but their lives." "Faith, can a man lose more?" asked Grey contemptuously.

Monmouth rose on his appearance, and put his hand to his sword in alarm. Grey whipped his own from the scabbard, and placed himself slightly in front of his master as if to preserve him. "You mistake, sirs," said Wilding quietly. "The hand I have had in this affair has been to save Your Majesty from your enemies.