United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A sett of fellows that you must have seen or heard of about the town, that are, d n me, a disgrace to the dignity of manhood; puppies that mistake noise and impudence, rudeness and profaneness, for wit. If the drummers of my company had not more understanding than twenty such fellows, I'd have them both whipt out of the regiment."

On the third day he was again led forth, chained as before. He still refused to work, for he 'had committed no evil. He was then led anew before the director-general, who ordered him to work, otherwise he should be whipt every day. He was again chained to the barrow and threatened, if he should speak to any person, with more severe punishment.

"She was in a state to tell me nothing the morning I left, save only to bring you to England alive, and repeat it over and over. But to return to your captain, he, too, was taken all aback. But presently he whipt out my name, and I his, without the Jones. And when I told him my errand, he wept on my neck, and said he had obtained unlimited leave of absence for you from the Paris commissioners.

A pretty author, and a pretty cause he advocates, I thank God there are no schools and no printing presses in this colony, nor are like to be, and a courageous Surveyor-General to keep by him such pestilent stuff in the present year of grace. 'Abuses Stript and Whipt, 'Anglia Rediva, 'Diary of Nehemiah Wallington, 'Bastwick's Litany! Miles Carrington, Miles Carrington! I have my eye on thee!

Imprisonmehd for life, twice every year to stand on the pillory, and twice to be severely whipt; but he received a pardon from King William, after suffering his whippings, and two years imprisonment, with amazing fortitude, but was never allowed again to be an evidence.

'the web of our lives is of mingled yarn, good and ill together: our virtues would be proud, if our faults whipt them not; and our vices would despair, if they were not encouraged by our virtues. This was truly and finely said long ago, by one who knew the strong and weak points of human nature; but it is what sects, and parties, and those philosophers whose pride and boast it is to classify by nicknames, have yet to know the meaning of!

I'm agoin' to see meself whipt on the peg fer turnin' out the Surgin from 'is little bed in the middle o' the night to come an' 'ave a look at the dead corpse 'e put in orders fer the Dead 'Ole, ain't I? Jest becos the champion snaike-seer o' E Troop's got 'em agin, wot?" Corporal Prag laughed merrily at the wit of his superior.

Let me introduce you to , they are whipt off in the current, and I don't see 'em again no more. 'A beautiful shew of flowers, Madam, at the garden: they are all in full blow now. The rhododendron had a tooth pulled when she was asleep. 'Please to let me pass, Sir. 'With all my heart, Miss, if I could; but I can't move; if I could I would down on the carpet, and you should walk over me.

And she began again to eat the half of the tablet, and did eat it from the other hand, as I to be aware, because that her left hand did be hurt. And she wept not, but was very quiet by me; and presently I knew that she kist the whipt hand secretly in the dark. And afterward, I put mine arm again about her; and she did be there in it, very sober and happy.

It is said the judges, upon demand, did give it their opinion that the law would judge him to be whipt, to lose his eares, or to have his nose slit but I do not hear that anything more is to be done to him. They say he is delivered over to the Dutch Embassador to do what he pleased with him.