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"It's very good of them. But they can save themselves the trouble." He thought: "He isn't going to get anything out of me." "Oh, come, you don't suppose we believe a word of it." They looked at each other. Sir John thought: "I'll get it out of him." And Mr. Waddington thought: "I'll get it out of him." "You might as well tell me what you're talking about," he said. "My dear chap, it's what Mrs.

Ritchie and Lyon were confined to Fezzan, and are chiefly curious for the notices they give, derived from native merchants, of the course of the Niger, By means of the travels of Lord Belmore and Dr. Richardson, the latitudes and longitudes on the Nile have been corrected from Assouan to the confines of Dongola. Mr. Waddington and Mr.

She was famous in her middle age for her great embonpoint; as she was also tall she waxed enormous. Baroness Bunsen, when Miss Waddington, saw Princess Elizabeth, while she was still unmarried, dressed for a Drawing-room, with five or six yellow feathers towering above her head, and refers to her huge dimensions then.

Waddington was a little disturbed by this ready acquiescence. "Mind you, it isn't going to end here, in Wyck. I shall start it in Wyck first; then I shall take it straight to the big towns, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Cirencester, Nailsworth, Stroud. We'll set 'em going till we've got a branch in every town and every village in the county." He thought: "That ought to settle him."

Yes; there was once a moment, once one moment, in which I would have married her a moment in which I flattered myself that I could forget Caroline Waddington. Ah! if I could tell you how Adela behaved!" "How did she behave? Tell me what did she say?" said Arthur, with almost feverish anxiety. "She bade me remember, that those who dare to love must dare to suffer.

Waddington drove off from Underwoods in a state of pleasurable elation. He had got what he wanted without appearing without appearing at all to be playing for it. Corbett had never spotted him. There he was wrong. At that very moment Sir John was relating the incident to Lady Corbett. "And you could see all the time the fellow wanted it himself.

Madame Waddington strikes one as quite remarkably fearless and downright; she appears to be as outspoken as she is vivacious; and as her husband had a highly successful career as a diplomatist, and as his debt to his brilliant wife is freely conceded, Madame Waddington is certainly a notable instance of the gay persistence of an intelligent American woman's personality, combined with the proper proportion of acuteness, quickness, and charm which force a highly conventionalized and specialized society to take her on her own terms.

Waddington interposed all sorts of irritating obstructions and delays. He would sit for hours, brooding solemnly, equally unable to finish and to abandon any paragraph he had once begun. He had left the high roads and was rambling now in bye-ways of such intricacy that he was unable to give any clear account of himself. When Barbara had made a clean copy of it Mr.

"The d d thing smells all right," Mr. Waddington declared. "Here goes!" He broke off a brown bean and swallowed it. Burton turned round just in time to see the deed. For a moment he stood aghast. Then very slowly he tiptoed his way from the door and hurried stealthily from the house. From some bills which he had been studying half an hour ago he remembered that Mr.

Zinkand at one. I'm beginning to think it's time I worked at my job as confidant. What is the use of a confidant if you don't confide?" Mrs. Waddington leaned forward while Kate got her reply. The mother in her, unsensitized though as it was, noted the sparkle in Kate's voice. But for the intervening door, she might have seen a great deal more sparkle in Kate's face, down-turned to listen.