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That night Hussein mingled in his prayers a vow to recover his gold at no matter what cost or trouble. In his younger days Hadji Hussein had been a pipe-maker, and many were the chibooks of exceptional beauty that he had made. Go but to the potters' lane at Tophane, and the works of art displayed by the majority of them have been fashioned by the hands of Hussein.

I know it is in him, for he will deny himself anything and everything to keep the place in order and give his tenants a good time, but Resolution number two I, Una Sackville, solemnly vow to speak the plain truth about my own feelings in this book, and not cover them up with a cloak of fine words I think there's a big sprinkling of conceit in my feelings.

You vow you will not listen to science; and I swear I won't read poetry! Suppose we compromise on this new number of the Magazine? It is the ablest periodical published in this country. Let me see the contents of this number." It was a dark, rainy morning in July. Mrs.

May you live long and happily!" Philip mused; the letter and his vow were, for the first time since he fell in with the robbers, recalled to his recollection, and a shade passed over his countenance. "Long and happily no, no," muttered he, with an involuntary shake of the head. "And I must thank you," said Amine, looking inquiringly in Philip's face.

Because of your vow it should not deter you from marriage, especially when your husband is not only ready, but most willing to assist you in clearing up the mystery, and avenging Leslie Grey. As regards the quality" with a quiet smile "of your regard, well, come, you love me, little girl, on your own confession, and if you have no graver scruples than you have offered, then you must marry me."

"Upon my word, you are a pretty gentleman, to make ladies sue you thus," continued the Earl, in a jeering tone. "I dare say she made you vow all sorts of things?" "I pledged myself solemnly, my lord," replied Wilton, "to do all that depended upon me to forward your lordship's plan for the Duke's escape, and she knows me too well to entertain a doubt of my keeping that promise to the letter."

No one saw the Snake's wife crawl in; she inquired of a white ant what had happened, and when she found that the young prince had killed her husband, she made a vow that, as he had made her a widow, so she would make his wife a widow. That night, when all the world was asleep, the Snake crept into the Prince's bedroom, and coiled round his neck.

My friends and fellow citizens, I have the honor to represent to you a people that have said we will go back to that order of things originally established by Jesus and the apostles we will make no vow of loyalty to any but Jesus, and we will have no bond of union save the testimonies and commandments of the Lord as given to us by the Lord himself and the holy apostles.

""The deities said, 'If a person, taking a vessel of copper, filling it with water, and facing the east, resolves upon a fast or the observance of a particular vow, the deities become gratified with him and all his wishes become crowned with success. By observing fasts, or vows in any other way, men of little understandings gain nothing.

For the rest, madam, I adjure you, solemnly, as you value your peace of mind, your daughter's happiness, your freedom from the agonies of future remorse and unavailing regret, I adjure you not to divorce those whom God, who speaks in the deep heart and the plighted vow, has already joined.