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On the way the artist supplied sufficient details of his two meetings with Sylvia to put them in possession of the main incidents. Furneaux, though suffering from a splitting headache, had recovered the use of a vinegary tongue. "I was mistaken in you," he chuckled. "You're a rank impressionist.

And I'm willing to teach the young idea how to shoot but no to shoot itself; so ye'll just leave alane that vinegary, soul-destroying trash, and I'll lend ye, gin I hear a gude report of ye, 'The Paradise Lost, o' John Milton a gran' classic model; and for the doctrine o't, it's just aboot as gude as ye'll hear elsewhere the noo.

"She is in the country, surrounded by masons, occupied in the building of our Orphan Asylum. The time she required before making over the property to us expires in two weeks." "It is certainly very singular that we do not know where we are to go for the ceremonies of inauguration," said Madame Desvanneaux, in her usual vinegary tones.

Paisley, after looking carelessly at the paper, of a sudden came to life. She seized the Harpoon with both hands, fairly snatching it out of the actress' hands. She was too startled to be polite. "What under the canopy is this here?" she sputtered. She was a small, wiry, vigorous woman, and she had an expressive, if a vinegary, face. She rose from her seat and forgot all about her "play-acting."

He found Miss Twexby seated in the bar, with a decidedly cross face, which argued ill for anyone who held converse with her that day; but as Slivers was quite as crabbed as she was, and, moreover, feared neither God nor man much less a woman he tackled her at once. 'Where's your father? he asked, abruptly, leaning on his stick and looking intently at the fair Martha's vinegary countenance.

I told 'em I didn't give a tinker's continental for their bally frontier, and then the band played. I slung one joker through the window. Good job it was open, or he might have been guillotined, eh, what?" "No one was injured, I hope." "Another fellow said I bent his ribs; but they sprang all right under the vet's thumb. Tell me, why does our baronial friend look so vinegary?

We're starting the day after to-morrow. Let me pour you out a glass of wine; it's wine with a bouquet no vinegary stuff. Polozov's face was flushed and animated; it was never animated but when he was eating or drinking. 'Really, I don't know, how that could be managed, Sanin muttered. 'But what makes you in such a hurry about it all of a sudden?

The young fellow jumped into the car and sped away and Miss Upton plodded slowly up to her door whose bell pealed sharply as it was pulled open by an unseen hand, and a colorless, sour-visaged woman appeared in the entrance. Her hay-colored hair was strained back and wound in a tight, small knot, her forehead wore a chronic scowl, and her one-sided mouth had a vinegary expression.

"I gave him the money, it was his own, I've got nothing to show," said Miss Quisanté with her vinegary little smile. "Perhaps he he misunderstood what you meant; I mean, that you intended the money for any special purpose." "That's exactly what he'll say," remarked Aunt Maria with a triumphant nod. "But if it's true " "I shan't know whether it's true or not.

And now he would fain go to the play to see that we observe the proper decorum there. My lads, you couldn't keep the sour-visaged old hypocrite from it." Master Jonathan permitted himself a vinegary smile, but made no other reply, and, a Dutch serving girl announcing that supper was ready, Master Hardy led them into the dining-room, where a generous repast was spread.