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Was it fantasy, this gradual intensifying of his uplifted mood, this breathless stir in the region of his heart, till some vital part of him seemed gradually withdrawn up into the vastness and the silence...? And suddenly, in every nerve, he knew he was not alone. In the seeming emptiness of the place, something, some one hovered near him.

And the entire assembly, motionless and with steadfast gaze, thought, 'Who is he? And they became agitated in their curiosity to know the warrior. Beholding them, thou shall be amazed. And, O thou best of those blest with speech, he had hardly done when the spectators stood up all at once, uplifted by some instrument, as it were.

Justice Jeune's division? When you come to my years of discretion you will be more interested in the menu." I laughed. "It was not the inanities of the divorce court, Colonel," I remarked; "but the most astonishing " He checked me with uplifted hand. "Being a rational being," he said, "I prefer my stories with my cigar. One should come to dinner with a calm mind."

And whereas he replied that verily they did, that in his own land he had heard many a sweet ditty sung by noble ladies to the harp and lute, that the children would ever sing at their sports, and that he, too, had oftentimes uplifted his voice in singing of madrigals, she besought him that he would make proof of some ballad or song.

Irene held her little head sidewise as she walked through the crowd, while the governess marched with proudly uplifted head. "Thank God," said Madame Ursula, "there is the carriage." An elegant equipage came in sight, and a groom led a beautiful racer by the bridle. "Step in, Madame Ursula," said Irene, laughing, as she vaulted into the saddle. "But you promised me "

It was not a loud voice, but one full of dignity and command, and the soldiers instantly fell back. A tall man, robed in black, and with a thin face, smoothly shaven and austere, stood in the doorway. The eyes, usually benevolent and kindly, sparkled with indignation, and one hand was uplifted in rebuke. "Father Montigny!" said Henry, under his breath. "Who says 'stop! here, where I command?"

Take the man who is touched and lifted by natural beauty, the sense of natural power; the man who loves the woods, who turns and stands to see the glory of a sunset, who is lifted by tides of emotion as he hears the surf beat on the shore, who feels bowed in the presence of the wide night sky of stars, who is humbled at the same time that he is uplifted in the presence of the mountains, who is touched by all natural scenes of beauty and peace and glory.

Achib, who never lost sight of him, supposing he was asleep, entered the apartment to place himself on guard, with his sabre uplifted and naked. As soon as the King saw the gleam of the sabre he was seized with terror, and a cry which he uttered brought to him all the officers of his guard. Achib was arrested by his order, loaded with chains, and led away to prison.

Again the knocking broke out, more impetuously and yet with a certain restraint and caution. Shielding the flame of his candle in the shell of his left hand, Lawford moved slowly, with chin uplifted, to the stairs.

Barr-Saggott paid her great attention; and, as I have said, the heart of her mother was uplifted in consequence. Kitty Beighton took matters more calmly. It was pleasant to be singled out by a Commissioner with letters after his name, and to fill the hearts of other girls with bad feelings.