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But the most flagrant case of unfairness to the defendant in this examination of witnesses occurred in the treatment of interrogatory No. 3, put by the prosecution, in their introduction of a letter from the President to General Grant, purporting to enclose letters from different members of the Cabinet in substantiation of the position of the President in the controversy then pending between Gen.

The officers of Brutus offered their men the prizes of liberty and democracy, of freedom from tyrants and freedom from masters; they pointed out to them the excellencies of equality in government, and all the unfairness of monarchy that they themselves had experienced or had heard in other cases; they called to the attention of the soldiers the separate details of each system and besought them to strive for the one, and to take care not to endure the other.

Still, if you want to get up some drawings to show about how it would come out, and bring them around in a week or so...." Daffingdon groaned inwardly; after all, they were wedded to their own notion. He explained to them the unfairness of their proposal detailing the cost of models, the matter of draperies, the time required for study, the labours and difficulties of composition.

As a rule, however, criminal lawyers are not in a position to "hammer" the prosecuting officer, but endeavor instead to suggest by innuendo or even open declaration his bias and unfairness. "Be fair, Mr. !" is the continual cry. "Try to be fair!"

Setting aside the maintenance of the telegraph service, which has already been referred to, it may be said without unfairness that the salient activities of the army in the interior of Alaska are the consumption of whisky and wood.

He was more angry at the unfairness of the whole situation than anything else, and he intended to make the rebels pay as heavily as he could for their two lives. Waiting for the rebels to get to the cave entrance, Dave had a vivid memory of his mother's amused disgust at war holos. "In combat, the idea isn't to play fair," she'd said more than once.

There appears to have been no cross-examining of witnesses on Bacon's behalf, or hearing witnesses for him not unnaturally at this stage of business, when the prosecutors were engaged in making out their own case; but considering that the future judges had of their own accord turned themselves into the prosecutors, the unfairness was great.

Few men in England would be fools enough to indulge the gross and fierce part of their nature till they became mere savages, like the demoniac whom Christ cured; so it is to respectable vices that the devil mostly tempts us, to covetousness, to party spirit, to a hard heart and a narrow mind; to cruelty, that shall clothe itself under the name of law; to filthiness, which excuses itself by saying, "It is a man's nature, he cannot help it;" to idleness, which excuses itself on the score of wealth; to meanness and unfairness in trade, and in political and religious disputes these are the devils which haunt us Englishmen sleek, prim, respectable fiends enough; and, truly, THEIR name is Legion!

And then, suddenly, she stopped him with a little cry, as if at last something had broken away from her control. He faced her, and for a moment they stood in silence. "I'm sorry sorry I said to you what I did that night on the Nome," she said. "I accused you of brutality, of unfairness, of of even worse than that, and I want to take it all back.

And so on down the line. Everybody gets what chance determines for him, and there can be no charges of unfairness. It turned very cold that night. The last thing I heard was Matt Hyde protesting to the hunchback: "Durn you, Bill Cope, you're so cussed crooked a man cain't lay cluss enough to you to keep warm!"