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"That'll taich 'em to be more respictful in the traitment of gintlemen," remarked Mickey, who had recovered something of his natural recklessness, and was reloading his gun with as much sangfroid as though he had just dropped an antelope, and wished to be ready for another that was expected along the same path.

"I'll fetch ye this time," he muttered between his compressed lips; "ye shan't git out of me hands till ye's down flat on yer back and mesilf layin' a-straddle of ye. There's a difference between boxin' and sparrin' and I shall taich ye the same, as me grandmither " Both went down that instant, but the Shawanoe was on top.

Here, Madgey, come here, I say; take that whiskey an' sugar, an' mix yourselves a jorum; it's far in the night, but no matther for that an' see, before you mix it, go an' bring my own darlin' Art, till he dhrinks his mother's health." "Why now, Art," began his brother, "is it possible that you can have the conscience to taich the poor boy sich a cursed habit so soon?

"But that didn't come from uz," said the Rouser; "we have our share to give him yet, an' never fear hell get it. We'll taich him to abuse us, an' set us at defiance, as he's constantly doin'." Corney, my boy, good night." "Good night kindly, boys," replied the other, "an' banaght lath any how."

If I only knew what ye'd got about yer toes, now, under them fine-looking things ye wear for shoes, once, I'd taich ye to talk of the missus, in this style." "Speak as well as he know how. Nick never been to school. Call 'e squaw, good squaw. What want more?" "Get out! If ye come a foot nearer, I'll be at ye, like a dog upon a bull, though ye gore me.

She fell, and in an instant her face was deluged with blood. "Ay, lie there," he continued, "the loss of the blood will cool you. Hould your tongues, you devils, or I'll throw yez out of the house," he exclaimed to the children, who burst into an uproar of grief on seeing their "mammy," as they called her, lying bleeding and insensible. "That's to taich her not to have something for me to ait.

But I do knaw as 'ow I would laike to fall in with 'e with these 'ere ships; we'd taich 'un a vaine lesson, wouldn't us, laads?" "Harry, come here a moment," said Roger, jumping down from the gun at this point in the old man's narrative, and walking aft. Harry joined him. "What do you want, old fellow?" said he.

It was a masterly stratagem Bedloe to start the ball, Prance to be accused as accomplice and then on his own account to give the other scoundrel corroboration. "Attend, you sir," the doctor shouted to Lovel. "Ye will be called to swear to the murderers whom this haanest man will name. If ye be a true Praatestant ye will repeat the laisson I taich you.

"Now then, Chok and Ram," said Rooney, sitting down on a stool and making the two men stand before him like a small awkward squad, "I'm goin' to taich you about pumps an' pumpin', so pay attintion av ye plaze. Hids up an' ears on full cock! Now then."

"No," replied Sarah, attempting to get up "I want to hear no more; now I wish to live now I am sure of one, an' that one my mother my own mother to love me to guide me to taich me all that I ought to know; but, above all, to love me. An' my father my poor unhappy father an' he is unhappy he loves me, too.