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He wanted to know if Rickman had made up a party for the River, and 'ad any companion? No. He hadn't made up a party. Thanks, awfully. He was going by Himself. Mr. Soper didn't think now that was a very enjoyable way of spendin' a Bank holiday. He put it that if it was Rickman's intention to hire a row-boat, it wouldn't be at all a bad idea if he, Soper, and Mr. Spinks, say, were to join.

"Tom was charmed with the plan and inexpressibly grateful. When little Spinks came to hear of it, he begged to be allowed to study along with us in the sick-room. We agreed to this. Then Dr Tiddler was admitted, and afterwards the Tadpole; so that our evening class flourished. "But the best of it was, that Tom did not become a confirmed invalid.

I'm going." And as Miss Bishop went she still pondered Flossie's rendering of the word chic. Little did any of them know what grave issues were to hang on it. Then Mr. Spinks emerged from his hiding-place. "And why shouldn't I know it as well as other people?" "I expect you know it a jolly sight better. Do you think, now, you could read and write it easily?"

"I don't doubt there's a likeness, Master Penny a mild likeness a fantastical likeness," said Spinks. "But I han't got imagination enough to see it, perhaps." Mr. Penny adjusted his spectacles. "Now, I'll tell ye what happened to me once on this very point. You used to know Johnson the dairyman, William?" "Ay, sure; I did."

"Yes, yes; too common it is!" said Spinks with an inward sigh, whilst his eyes seemed to be looking at the case in an abstract form rather than at the scene before him. "Such poor liquor do make a man's throat feel very melancholy and is a disgrace to the name of stimmilent." "Come in, come in, and draw up to the fire; never mind your shoes," said Mrs.

And now, as he looked round the table, he wondered how it was he ever came there. After living for four weeks with Lucia Harden or the thought of her, he had a positive difficulty in recognizing even Spinks and Flossie as people he had once intimately known. Miss Roots alone, for some inscrutable reason, seemed familiar, in keeping with that divine experience to which the actual hour did violence.

There he found Spinks sitting on his bed waiting for him. Spinks had come to lay before him an offering and a scheme. The offering was no less than two dozen of gents' best all-wool knitted hose, double-toed and heeled. The scheme was for enabling Rickman thenceforward to purchase all manner of retail haberdashery at wholesale prices by the simple method of impersonating Spinks.

Only now she's engaged and so forth, you might think that well, you might think" young Spinks had evidently come to the most delicate and complicated part of his explanation "well, that I'd no right to go on getting into states.

"Poor old chappie," he murmured tenderly. He was helpless before that slow melancholy shaking of the head, that mysterious and steadfast smile. He approached tip-toe on deprecating feet. But Rickman would none of him; his whole attitude was eloquent of rebuke. He waved Spinks away with one pathetic hand; with the other he clutched and gathered round him the last remnants of his personal majesty.

"`Very true, said I, with a look of mock respect; `but as none of us intend to enter the learned professions except Doctor Tiddler and Professor Turner, we don't want Latin or Greek; what we want is fun. "`Hear! hear! burst from Spinks, who was an impressionable little fellow, and easily influenced for good or evil.