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There were who had heard him talk of the girl who knew she had been much in his thought to whom he had furnished ground for suspecting him of following her with evil intent Sergius amongst others. In a word, he saw a necessity for averting attention from himself in the connection. Here also his wit was willing and helpful.

"Yes," said Sergius, with an emphatic gesture, "there are who live martyrs all their days, reserving nothing for death but to bring them their crowns." The manner of the utterance, and the thought compelled the Hegumen's notice. "My son," he said, presently, "thou hast a preacher's power. I wish I foreknew thy future. But I must haste or" "Nay, Father, permit me to help you recline again."

He had grown to be almost the right hand of Sergius Thord; wherever Thord sought supporters, he helped to obtain them, wherever the sick and needy, the desolate and distressed, required aid, he somehow managed to secure it, and next to Thord, and of course Lotys, he was the idol of the Socialist centre.

Zacharias took refuge under the pope's bed, and Sergius showed himself upon the balcony of the Lateran and was received with the wildest enthusiasm. In that revolution was destroyed all hope of the Byzantine empire in Italy. A new vision had suddenly appeared to those whom we may call, and rightly now, the Italian people.

One of the chief results of the General Election was the triumphal return of Sergius Thord as Deputy for the Metropolis by an enormous majority; and in the evening of the day on which the polling was declared, great crowds assembled beneath the windows of his house, that house so long known as the quarters of the Revolutionary Committee, roaring themselves hoarse with acclamation.

"Where is the dictator now?" asked Sergius. "In his tent, of course," replied the other, scornfully. "And no one cares where that may be." "And you?" "Oh! he was persuaded at last to risk a scouting party, and, at the request of the brave Minucius, he gave the command to me with strict injunctions to use only my eyes.

What can it be? Why have they descended into this dark hole, these little ones, who howl in the midst of the smoke, held by these phantoms in mourning? Had we entered it unawares we might have thought it a den of wicked sorcery, an underground cavern for the black mass. But no. It is the crypt of the basilica of St. Sergius during the Coptic mass of Easter morning.

His gaze met hers, and a vague look of fear and pain flashed over her face, as a faint touch of colour reddened her cheeks. "I am not accustomed to repeat my words, Sergius Thord!" she answered coldly; "I have said my say!" Looks were exchanged, and there was a silence.

Father Sergius was officiating at the Vigil Service in his hermitage church, where the congregation was as large as the little church could hold about twenty people. They were all well-to-do proprietors or merchants. Father Sergius admitted anyone, but a selection was made by the monk in attendance and by an assistant who was sent to the hermitage every day from the monastery.

Do you know what became of him?" Ivan had bent his head forward on his arms. "Boris" the voice was muffled and unnatural "Boris was shot through the heart, trying to get to the rooms of Sergius Lihnoff, eighteen months ago." "By by whom?" "The police." "A ah! And his brother Féodor?" "In Siberia." There was a moment's pause.