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There were a dozen pretty little speeches she had been longing to make, but it was impossible to deliver them when Elsie was sitting there, listening with all her ears, ready to repeat them to a schoolroom audience, or even commit them to the surer testimony of her diary.

There was a low hum of applause in the schoolroom, a triumphant expression on McSnagley's face, a grave shadow on the master's, and a comical look of disappointment reflected from the windows. Mliss skimmed rapidly over her astronomy, and then shut the book with a loud snap.

Such an expedition was so uncommon an event in the lives of the inhabitants of the schoolroom, that those who stayed at home were as excited about it as those who went, and a full and particular account was expected of all they had seen and all they had done. Caroline and Lionel both seemed to think Marian a perfect miracle of courage in voluntarily consenting to lose a tooth.

Perhaps, as she told herself, it was partly owing to the light which, if pensive upstairs in the white-walled schoolroom, might, without exaggeration, be called quite dismally gloomy in the low-ceilinged dining-room looking out on the black mass of the ilex trees over a havoc of storm-beaten flower-beds but Sir Charles struck her as so worn, so aged, so singularly and pathetically sad.

Though the legal school age is usually fixed at six years, delicate children should be kept out of school until they are seven or eight years old, provided they have good homes. In addition to the excitation incident to studying and reciting lessons, conditions frequently arise both in the schoolroom and upon the playground that create a feeling of fear or dread in the minds of children.

"The quantities of company," replied her cousin, "will interfere with you far less in your schoolroom with the Miss Lyddells, than alone with my Lady Marchmont, where, at your unrecognized age, you would be in rather an awkward situation." "Or I could go to Torquay, to old Aunt Jessie?" "Aunt Jessie would not be much obliged for the proposal of giving her such a charge."

But we girls, watching him stump past the schoolroom window to the post-office, used to whisper to each other, "Just think! he eloped." There was romance for you! To be sure, the elopement had not quite come off, but, except for the very end, it was all as perfect as a story.

"Visitors for Miss Milford!" exclaimed the pupils seated near the windows, as they recognized the elegant equipage. Honoria rose from her desk, awaiting the summons of the schoolroom- maid. She had not long to wait. The young woman appeared at the door in a few moments, and Miss Milford was requested to go to the drawing- room. She went, and found Sir Oswald Eversleigh awaiting her alone.

"She looked howid this morning in the schoolroom, but she looks sort of gentle now. I even seed her smile a minute back, and I should not be a bit s'prised if she didn't hate Aunt Jane too. I know what I'll do; I'll just go and ask her there is nothing in all the world like being plain-spoke.

He was always round the corner and out of sight, coming back into view but at his hours of extremest ease. We were never in the same schoolroom, in the same game, scarce even in step together or in the same phase at the same time; when our phases overlapped, that is, it was only for a moment he was clean out before I had got well in.