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There they found eleven young girls who had come much too soon, and mistaking the arrangements, had rung the bell and allowed themselves to be shown in. The schoolroom had been transformed into a sort of meeting hall. The big oblong table had been drawn across one end of it.

One night they had put her quietly to bed as usual, and in the morning she was still asleep a slumber which really must be rest. Fortunately for Mrs. Bishop the school was planted then. Twenty pupils sat round the cheap kitchen tables in the schoolroom all sons of gentlemen whose mothers paid occasional visits to the house and peeped into the schoolroom, after they had partaken of tea with Mrs.

"Look out here's Grimstone!" they whispered under their breaths, as voices and footsteps were heard in the hall outside. Presently the door of the schoolroom opened, and another boy entered the room. Dr. Grimstone, it appeared, had not been the occupant of the fly, after all.

You bring your second, Graham; I'll look after Bert myself." The words were hardly uttered when the bell rung, and the boys had all to hurry to their places in the schoolroom. That morning was one of the most miserable poor Bert had ever spent.

After Mariette had dressed her in her dark-blue schoolroom frock and tied her hair with a dark-blue ribbon, she went to Emily, who sat in a chair of her own, and gave her a book. "You can read that while I am downstairs," she said; and, seeing Mariette looking at her curiously, she spoke to her with a serious little face.

Dinsmore and Professor Manton after her dismissal the night before, and it was with a quaking heart she entered the schoolroom at Oakdale that morning. Yet though in fear and dread, she had not the slightest intention of abandoning her position in regard to the music-lessons. Nothing, however, was said to her on the subject till the hour for meeting the signor.

I remember having the intense pleasure of playing him a little trick just after he had been caning a lad who was a very good friend of mine. It happened in this way but first I must describe the topography of the place. Mr. At the other end of the garden was a wash-house with the schoolroom over it, and in the wash-house there was a large copper for boiling linen.

Like a blind man he had groped his way up to the schoolroom. He did not want to see the children, nor Miss Jones, but he must be moving, must be doing something that would break in upon that terrible ominous pause that the whole world seemed to him, at this moment, to be making. Then he saw Jeremy. He said: "Oh! Where's Miss Jones?" "She's in the next room," said Jeremy, looking at his father.

It is degrading enough to be forced to mix with such rubbish in the schoolroom, without having to associate with him in the drawing room." "What do you mean by that, sir?" demanded Miss Merlin, flashing upon him the lightning of her eyes, before Ishmael had drawn near enough to overhear the words of Alfred. "I mean that fellow is not fit company for me."

He had not paid a visit there since the scuffle in the Rue Royale, and the idea of finding himself in the duke's presence gave him, through his thick skin, something of the panic that agitates a boy on his way upstairs to see the head-master after a fight in the schoolroom. However, the embarrassment of this first interview had to be gone through.