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Then they all marched into the schoolroom, saying, "Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot," and their feet made a merry stamping. After the children were all in the schoolhouse and the door was closed, a song came floating through the open windows.

Lyddell let the matter drop with the girls, but going to the schoolroom, she inquired into it more fully, and found that by poor unfortunate faithful Morley's own account, she had allowed herself to be made the tool of the curiosity of Caroline and Clara.

Frequently the Principal insisted on my shutting up my book and going out to play, but I would creep back when she had left the schoolroom, and resume my favorite occupation. I remained at school seven years, and during that time I never once visited home, for my father made a special agreement that I was to spend my vacation at school.

I came and looked at Nora's papers in the schoolroom drawer. I saw that." She pointed penitentially to a sheet of figures lying on the study table. Both Nora and her uncle looked up in amazement, staring at her. "It was at night," she said hurriedly "last night. Oh, I put it all back!" she turned, pleading, to Nora "just as I found it. You shouldn't be angry with me you shouldn't indeed!"

"Come in," said Ishmael, fully expecting to see some of the refractory boy's friends come to inquire after him. The door opened and a very young lady, in a gray silk dress, straw hat, and blue ribbons entered the schoolroom.

"Saving that we might ring the bell, my lord," suggested Jenkins, with deference. They proceeded to the college gates. It was a forlorn hope, and one that did not serve them. The gates were locked, the doors closed behind them. No reaching the bell that way; it might as well have been a hundred miles off. They traversed the cloisters again, and tried the door of the schoolroom. It was locked.

The trumpet notes had come back, and in a few moments the music ceased.... Someone was closing the great doors from inside the schoolroom. As the side behind which she was sitting swung slowly to, she caught a glimpse, through the crack, of four boys with close-cropped heads, sitting at the long table.

She made no answer, she only escaped. She locked herself in her room; she remained there an hour. At the end of this time she came out and went to the door of the schoolroom, where she asked Miss Steet to be so good as to come and speak to her. The governess followed her to her apartment and there Laura took her partly into her confidence.

Daffodils and primroses were littered all around Avery, and a certain subdued pleasure was hers as she decked the place with the spring flowers. She was quite alone, for by the Vicar's inflexible decree all the elder children, with the exception of Olive, were confined to the schoolroom for the morning with their respective tasks. The magnitude of these tasks had struck dismay to Avery's heart.

All has come about through utilizing the child's curiosity. If children are delicate, they should not be put into a schoolroom with thirty or forty other children. Keep such children outdoors when the weather permits and allow them to become strong. The education will take care of itself later.