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Next were more lumber yards and more mills, for five miles or so, until at last they emerged into an open, flat country, divided by the old-fashioned snake fences; dotted with blackened stumps of the long-vanished forest; eaten by sloughs and bayous from the river. The sawdust ceased.

Without exception, they looked upon him as one of the show-sick youths who, in those days, as now, succumb too readily to the lure of sawdust and spangles. More than one scoffing jest was uttered over his unconscious head. Now they realized that he was not what they had thought him to be. A deeper tragedy than this seemed to be stamped in his wan face. "You fainted ten minutes ago.

Steadying himself quickly, Phil pulled on his slippers and walked slowly from the ring, dizzy, but happy with the shouts of his school fellows ringing in his ears. He heard the voice of Mr. Sparling close by him, saying: "Great, great, my boy! Finest exhibition ever seen in a sawdust ring!" Phil tripped proudly past the grandstand seats, where the boys were howling like a pack of wild Indians.

Obtain the sawdust fresh from under the saw, without bits of stick in, as these would be liable to get into the teeth of the trap and stop them from closing. Where you see the runs put a handful in say about 30 different places, every night, just dropping the sawdust and meal out of your hands in little heaps. That means 30 different heaps.

A crevice in the door admitted some light to the closet, and at the same time afforded a view of Mr. Moxley, who was then sitting on the sawdust heap, examining the contents of his grain bag. He drew out two dead chickens, half a dozen ears of corn, and a quantity of apples and pears a sure proof that he had secretly been plundering some farmer.

Then of his frantic efforts to secure a point of vantage whence to see the great death-pageant of his childish admiration for the handsome, manly form of Lord Kilmarnock, of his enthusiasm when Lord Balmerino, the other victim, had cried in a loud voice, "Long live the king!" and of the fascination he could not resist which led his eyes from the shining axe and the draped block to the auburn locks of the prisoner, and soon after to his bleeding head laid low in the sawdust around the coffin.

Just as he was leaving the cottage to return to the mill, he saw Sarah start back from the window and sit down suddenly, grasping at her bosom, and blanching to the lips as if she had seen a ghost. Glancing downward to the black road, deep with rotted sawdust, he saw MacPherson passing. "Who is it?" he asked the girl. "It's Sandy," she murmured, flushing scarlet and averting her face.

At a given signal two naked and well-oiled Moors of magnificent proportions rushed into the court and scattered the sawdust on the floor, after which they seized each other round their waists, and began an exciting struggle, which ended after a few minutes in one of them being thrown.

"If you don't shut up I'll have you put out!" roared the ringmaster. The young acrobat had climbed the rope a distance of ten feet. Now he appeared to grow dizzy, and of a sudden he lost his grip and fell in a heap in the sawdust ring. "You rat, you, I'll fix you!" hissed the ringmaster. "What do we pay you for, anyway?"

"Oh, Herbert! what do you think?" cried Madeline, when she saw her brother. "That bad old cat came into our house again, and tried to catch one of our goldfish!" "Did he get any?" asked Herbert. "No, but he almost did. Dorothy came over with her Sawdust Doll just as the cat was dipping his paw down into the bowl, and what do you think Dorothy did?" asked Madeline. "I don't know.