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Camphor and oil of lavender were bought at the chemist's, and also a little scent sachet labelled 'Violettes de Parme'. They took the things home and found Cyril still on guard. When they had knocked and the golden voice of the Phoenix had said 'Come in, they went in. There lay the carpet or what was left of it and on it lay an egg, exactly like the one out of which the Phoenix had been hatched.

Lena moved without exertion, rather indolently, and her hand often accented the rhythm softly on her partner’s shoulder. She smiled if one spoke to her, but seldom answered. The music seemed to put her into a soft, waking dream, and her violet-colored eyes looked sleepily and confidingly at one from under her long lashes. When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder.

Howells's "A Foregone Conclusion," which Katy had never seen; then a box of quinine pills; then a sachet for her trunk; then another burlesque poem; last of all, a cake of delicious violet soap, "to wash the sea-smell from her hands," the label said.

"I did something twice," he said, "that I have felt very meanly about at times. Perhaps you'll forgive me now?" He took from the sachet, a glove, and a small pocket-handkerchief, and without a word showed them to Leonore. Leonore looked at them. "That's the glove I lost at Mrs. Costell's, isn't it?" she asked gravely. Peter nodded his head.

Then I stole back, and, taking up the light again, began to search the floor, patiently, inch by inch, with naked feet, every sound making me tremble as I crept hither and thither over the creaking boards. And never was search more successful or better paid. In the fragments of the sachet I found six smaller diamonds and a pair of rubies. Eight large diamonds I found on the floor.

I recognized her by her perfume before I had even seen her. What delightful things good perfumes are!" "What is it? Is it heliotrope or jessamine?" asked Yvonne d'Etaples, sniffing in the air. "No it is only orris-root nothing but orris-root; but she puts it everywhere about her in the hem of her petticoat, in the lining of her dress. She lives, one might say, in the middle of a sachet.

You'll find it at the back, under my handkerchief sachet; and mind, dearest, that you don't crush my lace collar; it's just been cleaned if it's there." To the doctor's astonishment Maud went off obediently. Mrs. Hilary's instructions had conveyed nothing to him. "It is so much better to decide things at once," said that lady, with a charming smile.

Doubtless he had dropped the jewels in the hurry of his start from the inn that night! Doubtless, too, he had carried them in that bizarre hiding-place for the sake of safety, considering it unlikely that robbers, if he fell into their hands, would take the sachet from him; as still less likely that they would suspect it to contain anything of value.

What are you studying?” She leaned her elbows on the table and drew my book toward her. I caught a faint odor of violet sachet. “So that’s Latin, is it? It looks hard. You do go to the theater sometimes, though, for I’ve seen you there. Don’t you just love a good play, Jim? I can’t stay at home in the evening if there’s one in town.

But sachet powder, you should know, is a dollar an ounce, and Harrie must needs content herself with "the American," which could be had for fifty cents; and so, of course, after she had spent her money, and made her little silk bags, and put them away into her bureau drawers, Myron never told her, for all her pains, that she reminded him of a heliotrope with the dew on it.