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I was satisfied that among the whole roomful of men there were not half a dozen that had a bed to sleep on that night. I didn't have the money to put them to bed, but I departed from the rules, and calling them to order, said, "Boys, how many of you would like to be my guest for the night?" You ought to have seen them look at me! Never such a thing had been known. It set them to thinking.

"Boys," continued the teacher, "tell me what is your idea of a hero." "A man who does what is right whether he likes to or not," said Ralph, who was feeling much ashamed of his share in the morning's doings. "A man who defends the weak," said Tommy proudly. The teacher nodded. "You are both right," said he; "and I hope from this out to have not one, but a whole roomful of heroes."

If you ain't no realler than them cats, I'm done, spunchuck out of time. Send for the police. I'll go quiet. One thing, there'd not be room for 'arf them cats in no cell as ever I see. He ran his fingers through his hair, which was short, and his eyes wandered wildly round the roomful of cats. 'Burglar, said Jane, kindly and softly, 'if you didn't like cats, what did you come here for?

That night Harrington Surtaine went to bed pondering on the strange attitude of the newspaper mind toward so matter-of-fact a quality as honesty; and he dreamed of a roomful of advertisers listening in sodden silence to his own grandiloquent announcement, "Gentlemen: honesty is the best policy," while, in a corner, McGuire Ellis and Max Veltman clasped each other in an apoplectic agony of laughter.

Her choice was usually judicious; she omitted the ghosts and goblins that would have haunted our dreams; although I was now and then visited by a nightmare-consciousness of being a bewitched princess who must perform some impossible task, such as turning a whole roomful of straws into gold, one by one, or else lose my head.

Oh yes, besides seeing them all she wanted them to hear her play.... She must stay... she glanced round the room. It was here, somehow, somewhere, in this roomful of girls, centring in the Germans at her end of the table, reflected on to the English group, something of that influence that had made her play.

Yet to cross through that roomful of sleeping warriors seemed almost equally beyond the pale of possibility. Carthoris shrugged his broad shoulders and chose the lesser evil. Warily he entered the room.

The members of "The Rose of America" ensemble looked doubtfully at one another. Do? It had not occurred to them that there was anything to be done. These things happened, and you regretted them, but as for doing anything, well, what could you do? Jill's face was white and her eyes were flaming. She dominated the roomful of girls like a little Napoleon. The change in her startled them.

She had things to say, and was ready to say them at all times, and to any one. I called down Dr. Beecher, Professor Allen, and two or three other clergymen, who, together with my husband and family, made a roomful. No princess could have received a drawing-room with more composed dignity than Sojourner her audience.

During the performance of experiments or while the teacher is drawing on the blackboard, the children are tranquil and absorbed. I have seen a roomful of college students suddenly become perfectly still, to look at their professor of physics tie a piece of string around a stick which he was going to use in an experiment, but immediately grow restless when he began to explain the experiment.