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But there we heard he had not yet arrived, he was not due till half-past five. To pass the time we drank a mouthful of aguardiente and smoked a cigarette, and eventually the medico was espied in the distance. We went towards him a round, fat person with a red face and a redder nose, somewhat shabbily dressed. He looked at me pointedly and said: 'I'm dry. Vengo seco.

The sea and the wind had been Sally's real physicians, and the baby's; and as for the other two, in the happy quartette, had they needed a physician? Perhaps; but no physician was there for them. "Certainly! certainly!" he stammered, "it will be safe;" and his face grew redder and redder, as he spoke. Hetty looked at him in honest amazement. She could put but one interpretation on his manner.

"And failed to show up did he send no message?" "Doctor Fairbain was waiting for me instead. He said that Mr. Hawley was called suddenly out of town." The eyes of the sheriff turned to Fairbain, whose face grew redder than usual, as he shifted his gaze toward Keith. "That was a lie," he confessed, lamely. "I I was told to say that."

Where's Mrs Hensor! And the appearance presently of Florrie Hensor youngish, tall, a full figure; black hair, frizzed and puffed, a showy face, red cheeks, redder lips, rather sullen, flashing dark eyes who had received Lady Bridget almost as if she had been her equal, and of whom the bride had at once made an enemy by her frigidly haughty response.

Shelley flushed redder, laughed, and glanced at mother, so she said: "Shelley is having a plain old-fashioned case of beau. She met a young man in Chicago last fall and he's here now to ask our consent. All of us are quite charmed with him. That's why she's so happy." Then the Princess sprang up and kissed Shelley, so did Mrs. Pryor, while such a chatter you never heard.

It is so pleasant to come in from the dark, misty, coarse, loud-tongued Pacific, and the December colorlessness of Japan to bright blue waters crisped by a perpetual north wind to the flaming hills of the Asian mainland, which are red in the early morning, redder in the glow of noon, and pass away in the glorious sunsets through ruby and vermilion into an amethyst haze, deepening into the purple of a tropic night, when the vast expanse of sky which is seen from this high elevation is literally one blaze of stars.

The fierce flames leaped as if to meet him. They grew redder, and lapped their fiery tongues. Siegfried bounded toward them with joy. Lifting his silver horn to his lips, and blowing his Comrade Call so sweet and clear, he plunged into their depths. The maddened flames leaped and crackled as if to devour him.

You must go and pay your respects to the Duke and his Majesty at Kensington. The Countess of Yarmouth will be your best friend at court." "Why should you not introduce me, aunt?" asked Harry. The old lady's rouged cheek grew a little redder. "I am not in favour at Kensington," she said. "I may have been once; and there are no faces so unwelcome to kings as those they wish to forget.

Land sakes! there's somebody at the door; and I expect I'm a perfect sight." She rubbed her face with her apron, thereby making it redder than ever, and hurried into the dining room. "Bos'n," said Captain Cy quickly, "you stay here in the kitchen." Emmie looked at him in surprised bewilderment, but she suppressed her curiosity concerning the identity of the person who had knocked, and obeyed.

By passing the dyed cotton through water acidulated with a little vitriol or alum, a redder tint is assumed. DYESTUFFS AND COLOURS Continued Artificial Substantive Dyestuffs.