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He threw his hat to the ground and exclaimed: "'Are these the kind of men with whom I am to defend America? "Next day our troops behaved better and succeeded in repulsing the enemy. This put new spirit in them. Putnam got his forces out of New York and well up the shore of the North River.

To Putnam, then, and not to Ward, the officers and men of the assembled militia looked for advice and encouragement. They were quite naturally doubtful as to the result of their hasty action, and as most of them had never been under fire they were timid and even down-hearted. But Putnam was continually engaged in arousing both their patriotism and their hopes.

"Then tell the feckless fools tae watch it!" screamed McCraw, seizing his rifle and menacing the little throng of men and women who had closed swiftly in on him. "Hands off me, Johnny Putnam back, for your life, Charley Cady! Ay, stare at the smoke till ye're eyes drop frae th' sockets! But no; there's some foulk 'ill tak' nae warnin'!"

Going down the lake in their bateaux, on the last day of the month, they landed at night at a point where they had discovered some camp-fires of the enemy, and in the morning three spies were sent out into the forest. These spies were Putnam, a man named Fletcher, and Lieutenant Robert Durkee, who was afterward tortured to death by the Indians.

"Say, but ain't this going to be a snappy game!" "Our fellows have the ball!" "There she goes up five yards into Putnam ground!" "Carry that ball back!" yelled Dick excitedly. "Don't let them gain an inch!" "Whoop her up for Pornell!" And then came a wild blare of tin horns and a waving of the academy colors, brown and white.

He told them of several of the former pupils of Putnam Hall, including Fenwick better known as Mumps, who he said was now working in a Chicago hotel. "You boys can rest assured of one thing," said Dan Baxter during the course of the conversation, "if I can ever do you a good turn I'll do it, no matter what it costs me." "That is very kind to say, Dan," answered Dick.

And, by the way, Fatty, if you want to stop an hour or two to see the widow Jones's pretty daughter, I guess no great harm will be done." Jehosaphat giggled but then his face clouded. "But Mistress Putnam wants to take the roan herself this afternoon. The trial comes off, you know." "Oh, it is not a trial it is only an examination. And it is all fiddlesticks, anyhow.

"I guess he's worse off than I am," thought the youngest Rover. "That stone cell hasn't any bench in it any more, and it must be twice as cold and damp as this room. It's a shame to put anyone there in this freezing weather. I don't believe Captain Putnam would stand for it if he was here." He tried to speak to Tubbs, but the wall between was too thick, and he soon gave up the idea.

He was at this time nearly thirty-one years old, having been born on the second of October, 1800. He had belonged originally to Benjamin Turner, whence his last name, slaves having usually no patronymic, had then been transferred to Putnam Moore, and then to his present owner.

In a twinkle Dick ran around the stable corner. "Quick, Peleg, here is the horse, all unhooked. Put him in his stall. The cutter is back there, out of sight," and as the hired man took possession of the animal, the youth ran off, to join his brother at the entrance to Putnam Hall. "The door is locked!" groaned Tom. "Something is wrong."